The SAS System 1 12:20 Monday, March 31, 1997 General Linear Models Procedure Number of observations in data set = 22 The SAS System 2 12:20 Monday, March 31, 1997 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: SATISF Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F Model 3 4331.3740852 1443.7913617 15.27 0.0001 Error 18 1701.8986420 94.5499246 Corrected Total 21 6033.2727273 R-Square C.V. Root MSE SATISF Mean 0.717915 15.72948 9.7236786 61.818182 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F AGE 1 3948.3948249 3948.3948249 41.76 0.0001 SEVERITY 1 338.5646010 338.5646010 3.58 0.0746 ANXIETY 1 44.4146593 44.4146593 0.47 0.5018 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F AGE 1 1911.4038299 1911.4038299 20.22 0.0003 SEVERITY 1 59.0930626 59.0930626 0.62 0.4395 ANXIETY 1 44.4146593 44.4146593 0.47 0.5018 T for H0: Pr > |T| Std Error of Parameter Estimate Parameter=0 Estimate case14 69.2663058 25.60 0.0001 2.70536518 T for H0: Pr > |T| Std Error of Parameter Estimate Parameter=0 Estimate INTERCEPT 163.0202833 6.69 0.0001 24.35848516 AGE -1.3001623 -4.50 0.0003 0.28916913 SEVERITY -0.6137853 -0.79 0.4395 0.77638801 ANXIETY -7.9327871 -0.69 0.5018 11.57425972 The SAS System 3 12:20 Monday, March 31, 1997 OBS SATISF AGE SEVERITY ANXIETY RESID FITTED 1 48 50 51 2.3 -0.4637 48.4637 2 57 36 46 2.3 -12.7349 69.7349 3 66 40 48 2.2 1.9000 64.1000 4 70 41 44 1.8 1.5719 68.4281 5 89 28 43 1.8 3.0560 85.9440 6 36 49 54 2.9 -7.1628 43.1628 7 46 42 50 2.2 -14.2721 60.2721 8 54 45 48 2.4 -2.0126 56.0126 9 26 52 62 2.9 -8.3521 34.3521 10 77 29 50 2.1 -0.9675 77.9675 11 89 29 48 2.4 12.1848 76.8152 12 67 43 53 2.4 11.4560 55.5440 13 47 38 55 2.2 -15.4038 62.4038 14 57 53 54 2.2 13.4849 43.5151 15 66 36 49 2.0 -4.2734 70.2734 16 79 33 56 2.5 13.0890 65.9110 17 88 29 46 1.9 5.9908 82.0092 18 60 33 49 2.1 -13.3806 73.3806 19 49 55 51 2.4 7.8304 41.1696 20 77 29 52 2.3 1.8467 75.1533 21 52 44 58 2.9 4.7915 47.2085 22 60 43 50 2.3 1.8214 58.1786