References: on packet loss
J.-C. Bolot, “End-to-end packet delay and loss behavior in the Internet,” Proc. ACM SIGCOMM '93 Conference on Communications Architectures, Protocols and Applications, pp. 289 – 298, San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept. 1993.
M. S. Borella, D. Swider, S. Uludag, and G. B. Brewster, “Internet packet loss: measurement and implications for end-to-end QoS,” Proc. Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, Minneapolis, MN, Aug. 1998, pp. 3 – 15.
J. M. Boyce and R. D. Gaglianello, “Packet loss effects on MPEG video sent over the public Internet,” Proc. ACM Multimedia ’98, Bristol, UK, Sept. 1998, pp. 181-190.
M. Yajnik, S. Moon, J. Kurose, and D. Towsley, “Measurement and modeling of the temporal dependence in packet loss,” Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 345 – 352, New York, NY, USA, Mar. 1999.