The Rising Sea: Foundations of Algebraic Geometry, by Ravi Vakil (available online here)
Algebraic Geometry, by Hartshorne
The Geometry of Schemes, by David Eisenbud and Joe Harris (reference)
Time: TuTh 10:30-12:20
Location: AQ 5050
Office hours: M 3:30-4:30pm and Tu 4:30-5:30pm (or by appointment)
Syllabus: We will plan to cover approximately Chapter 2 and (time permitting) part of Chapter 3 of Hartshorne.
For certain parts of the material, we will follow Vakil. Homework will consist of problems from either of these two books.
Final exam: April 19, noon-3pm in AQ 5005.
The Axioms: I firmly believe in the axioms laid out by Federico Ardila.
Mathematical potential is distributed equally among different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic, and economic boundaries. |
Everyone can have joyful, meaningful, and empowering mathematical experiences. |
Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs. |
Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. |
HW1 (sheaves)
HW2 (schemes) (partial solutions)
HW3 (local properties) (partial solutions)
HW4 (fiber products and Proj) (partial solutions)
HW5 (separated and proper; locally free sheaves) (partial solutions)
HW6 (divisors, line bundles, maps to projective space)
Daily schedule (topics from class, lecture notes, homework):
Week | Topics |
1: |
[1/05] Basics (why schemes?). Gluing topological spaces. |
2: |
[1/10] Presheaves and sheaves. [1/12] No class (Math Dept all-day meeting) |
3: |
[1/17] Sheafification and universal properties. [1/19] Sheaves on a base; start the structure sheaf on Spec R. |
4: |
[1/24] Finished the structure sheaf of Spec R. Definition of scheme. [1/26] Examples of schemes: gluing, generic points, A^1 over various fields. |
5: |
[1/31] Examples of schemes cont'd: regular functions, nilpotents, reducedness. Connected, irreducible. [2/02] Modules, O_X-modules, Noetherianness. |
6: |
[2/07] Quasicoherence. Affine-local properties. The Affine Communication Lemma. Finiteness properties. [2/09] Quasicoherence is local. Started morphisms. |
7: |
[2/14] Morphisms of schemes and "families". Kinds of morphisms: affine, projective, open/closed embeddings [2/16] More kinds of morphisms: quasicompact, (locally) finite type. Started tensor products. |
8: |
[2/21] No class (reading break) [2/23] No class (reading break) |
9: |
[2/28] Fiber products (Products, intersections, fibers / preimages, change of base) [3/02] Proj (finally) |
10: |
[3/07] Proj continued. Maybe start separated and proper morphisms. [3/09] Separated morphisms |
11: |
[3/14] Proper morphisms [3/16] Global Spec, Global Proj. Started vector bundles. |
12: |
[3/21] Vector bundles and locally free sheaves. [3/23] Locally free sheaves, cont'd. |
13: |
[3/28] Weil divisors, class groups. [3/30] Normality. |
14: |
[4/04] Cartier divisors and line bundles. [4/06] Line bundles and maps to projective space. (Afternoon: smoothness and the canonical bundle) |
15: |
[4/11] Line bundles and maps. Functor of points of projective space. Ample, very ample and big divisors. (Afternoon: Intro to sheaf cohomology.) |
819 final projects:
Description: Expository writeup on a topic of your choice. Your sources can be expository AG writing (including Hartshorne and Vakil), survey articles, or other expository sources.
List of suggested topics:
Assessment will be based on: