I. Popov (ed.) New Directions in Linguistics from Abroad (Progress Publishers: Moscow) 1986


Table of Contents


V.V. Petrov "Introduction"

W. V. Quine Word and Object [Parts I (pp.1—25), and V (pp. 80—124)] (1960)

Donald Davidson "Truth and Meaning" (1967)

Esa Saarinen "On the Metatheory and Methodology of Semantics" (1985)

Dagfinn F¿llesdal "Understanding and Rationality" (1981)

Peter Strawson "Grammar and Philosophy" (1972)

Ernest Lepore "What Model Theoretic Semantics Cannot Do" (1983)

Saul Kripke "A Puzzle About Belief" (1979)

John Searle & Daniel Vanderveken Foundations of Illocutionary Logic [Chapter 2] (1985)

Zeno Vendler "Causal Relations" (1967)

Lauri Carlson Dialogue Games: An Approach to Discourse Analysis [Part II, Chapter 2, ¤¤4—7, 9—10] (1985)

Risto Hilpinen "The Semantics of Imperatives and Deontic Logic" (1985)

Francis Jeffry Pelletier "Or" (1977)

Anna Wierzbicka Lingua Mentalis [portions] (1980)