2D Team:

Consisted on the talented artists, the 2D team was in charge of developing the primary concepts that would later on translate to 3D and video production. The initial concept sketches of the 2D team can be viewed under the Latest Development page. These sketches were created based on the ideas delivered by the writers and the creativity of the 2D artists. Bridging the gap between 2D and 3D art was one of the major challenges of this team in order to creative cohesiveness among all visual features of digital nowhere.

The 2D team consists of the following:

Team Leads:
Tien Le
Fei Wang
Andrew Wu

Team members:
Benny Lee
Chad Banxachai
Cecelia Chan
Heidi Liao
Karen Law
Kevin Chang
Ricky Chan
Michael Choy
Matthew Lau
Harry Fok

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