Haikai Zhao
MASc student

Discovery II Building
8888 University Dr.
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

Email: hza214 [at] sfu.ca

I am a MASc student in Computer Engineering at the Simon Fraser University, advised by Prof. Zhenman Fang. My research interests include: Hardware Acceleration in Big Data System(Apache Spark/Apache Arrow), Compilation Support for hardware accelerators. Prior to SFU, I received my B.S. from Fudan University.

Currently I'm focusing on the SQL2FPGA project and its follow-up work.

What's New

May 2024
I Joined HiAccel Lab as a Research Assistant, Simon Fraser University, Canada.

Research Highlights


Conference Papers

Journal Articles


Please contact me via email: hza214@sfu.ca


I love backpack traveling. I have been to Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Kenya, Dubai for backpacking. I love to meet different people from diverse background and talk with them.

I am a fan of gravel/travel cycling. Feel free to go bikepacking with me. I also enjoy Chinese R&B music(Fang DaTong, David Tao, Leehom Wang) and britpop.

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