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Mailbox count and average size

I am not sure if anyone can use since most of the people on this list are technical. But just in case I thought I would share this very simple perl script that will give you:

number of mailboxes on a message store
average Mailbox size in MB
GeoMeans of Mailbox sizes in KB.

This scripts was written on a RHEL 6 box with perl, v5.10.1
This will require an install of a perl module. 

yum install perl-Statistics-Descriptive

Happy Hunting. 

Pablo Garaitonandia
Penn State University
ITS, Applied Information Technologies
(814) 865-6385

[root@tcs9 scripts]# cat mailboxes.pl

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Statistics::Descriptive;
use integer;

my @quota;
my @numbers;
my @geomeans;
my $sum;
my $product = "1";

my $id=getpwuid($<);
#Esnure that zimbra user is being used
chomp $id;
if ($id ne "zimbra")
        print STDERR "Error: must be run as zimbra user\n";
        exit (1);

my $count = `zmprov gqu \`zmhostname\` | wc -l`;
my $stat0 = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new();
my $stat1 = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new();

open(QUO,"zmprov gqu `zmhostname` |") || die "Failed: $!\n";

while ( <QUO> )
        push(@quota, $_);

foreach my $quota (@quota)
        chomp $quota;
        my ($user, $limit, $actual) = split(/ /, $quota);
        push (@numbers, $actual);
        $sum += $actual;


my $arrSize = @quota;

foreach my $numbers(@numbers)
        if ($numbers == 0)
                push (@geomeans, "1");
            push (@geomeans, $numbers);

$stat0->add_data(@numbers); my $mean = $stat0->mean();
$stat1->add_data(@geomeans); my $geo = $stat1->geometric_mean();

$mean = int($mean);
$geo = int($geo);

$mean = ($mean / 1024 ) / 1024;
$geo = $geo / 1024;

chomp $count;

print "Mailboxes: " . $count . "\n";
print "Means: " . $mean . " MB\n";
print "Geomeans: " . $geo . " KB\n";
