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Re: Rolling upgrades

I posted a response in the forums to a similar question.  We are going to be migrating from physical hosts running ZCS 7.1.3 to using the 8.0 Appliance on VMware and I am considering doing something like what I posted here...


...but I'm waiting to see if the "rolling upgrade/migration" is a supported method or if I should plan some other way to do it.  I don't know that anyone has tried it yet, that may be why there's not a lot of info about it out there.


From: "Pablo E Garaitonandia" <peg11@psu.edu>
To: "zimbra-hied-admins" <zimbra-hied-admins@sfu.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 1:35:14 PM
Subject: Rolling upgrades

Hey Folks,
    I was just curious if anyone has perform rolling upgrade to Zimbra 8 yet.  And if you have if you are willing to share how you did it. I ask because of the lack of up to date documentation on the Zimbra Wiki and because the document does not seem to exist from Zimbra documentation page.   They have a bug in to update the documentation on the wiki but so far I am the only one that has voted on it :) 


Pablo Garaitonandia
Penn State University
ITS, Applied Information Technologies
(814) 863-4700