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Re: Zimbra 6 and BES
This sounds similar to a problem we ran into right after migrating from 5.x to 6.0.2. I don't remember the exact details but I know we had to reconfigure our GAL to play nice with the new 6.0.x defaults. We sync with a SunONE LDAP server and use the following settings:
GAL mode: Internal
Most results returned by GAL search: 1000
GAL sync account name: galsync@your.domain.here
Datasource name for internal GAL: internalGAL
Internal GAL polling interval: 1 hours
Authentication mechanism: External LDAP
LDAP bind DN template:
LDAP URL: ldaps://ldapserver.your.domain:636
Enable StartTLS
LDAP filter: (uid=%u)
LDAP search base: ou=oneou,ou=anotherou,o=your.domain
Use DN/Password to bind to external server: No
These settings are under your domain in the web admin console. The first set above is on the "GAL" tab and the second set is on the "Authentication" tab. You can use the "Configure GAL" and "Configure Authentication" wizards from the menu bar to set these values.
Hope this helps!
Jim Michael
James D Michael
Associate Director, Systems
California State University, Fresno - ITS Dept
e-mail: jim_michael@csufresno.edu
“There was a proposition in a township there to discontinue public schools because they were too expensive. An old farmer spoke up and said if they stopped the schools they would not save anything, because every time a school was closed a jail had to be built. It's like feeding a dog on his own tail. He'll never get fat. I believe it is better to support schools than jails. ”
Mark Twain (Address at a Meeting of the Berkeley Lyceum, New York, November 23, 1900)
----- "Matt Mencel" <MR-Mencel@wiu.edu> wrote:
> To clarify....our Zimbra uses an external LDAP for GAL and GALSync.
> GALSync in 5.0 queried the external ldap server with a filter like
> (&(mail=*)(accountType=employee)). Zimbra no longer sends that
> GALSync query with that filter we created, so instead of trying to
> pull a few thousand entries, it pulls(or tries to) over
> 70,000.....which takes more than an hour. And it makes that query
> every 5 minutes.
> Matt
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matt Mencel" <MR-Mencel@wiu.edu>
> To: "zimbra-hied-admins" <zimbra-hied-admins@sfu.ca>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 10:20:24 AM
> Subject: Zimbra 6 and BES
> Is anyone running BES against a 6.0.x multi-server setup? We're
> having problems....it may be due to some old GALSync settings we had
> set manually from CLI back in 5.0 and now 6.0 has GALSync built in to
> the admin interface. Our BES server is unable to pull the GAL from
> Zimbra.
> Just curious.
> Matt Mencel
> Western Illinois University