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Re: Zimbra with Sun Directory, ... Solaris?

> We do use the GAL tie-in to our central directory, which is SunOne,
> and wish it had a few things which would help with the lookup Eg.
> knowing which Peter Smith is a student activist, and which Peter
> Smith is a vice-president or what department (ou) someone belongs
> to is helpful. It's on our list to try to address, either via
> customization or a ZImlet lookup we've read from some of you.

Make other attributes visible in GAL autocomplete: http://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=27362

With current code, you can abuse zimbraGalAttrMap to point lastname at an application-specific attribute, and displayName at what you actually want displayed in the To: line. That will do "the right thing" in ZWC: "Peter Smith - Vice President" will appear in autocomplete, but will change to just "Peter Smith." HOWEVER, the use of cn, gn+sn, and displayname in Zimbra Connector for Outlook is pretty much the reverse, so if youu have VIPs using Outlook, as unfortunately we do, that's not an option.

autocomplete default towards latest choice (aka sort by recent use or popular) http://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=744 would also help somewhat. It's flagged fixed for 6.0.