FPA 386
f i l m _ m u s i c
a s s i g n m e n t s
J o u r n a l s

One page journal (pdf) can be found here (option click to download)

One page journal as a Word docx can be found here

The "journal" is a one page form whose questions relate to a film you have watched. Each journal represents a different film so you will be required to view 6 different films for these assignments. Please limit your responses to the one page. Email the completed journal no later than the date listed below.
Journals are due as follows:
Journal 1
Jan. 23
Journal 2
Feb. 6
Journal 3
Feb. 20
Journal 4
Mar. 6
Journal 5
Mar. 20
Journal 6
April 3

Required and graded.

No late logs accepted.

3 possible marks:

5 = satisfactory,
= unsatisfactory,
0 = late or not submitted.
6 logs X 5% =
Film Journals can be submitted as Word docs or pdfs.
They must be labeled as follows: YourFirstandLastNameJournalNumber. For example: MartinGotfritJournal1.docx or NancyTamJournal4.pdf , etc. Due to the large number of students in the class, files improperly labelled (such as FilmJournal5.docx)
will not be accepted.