Some library references I have stumbled across.
Even if the exact book is out, you should look at adjacent books
as they will be in a related topic.
The Biosphere QH 311 B659
Earthquakes and Volcanos QE 521 E2
Man and Ecosphere GF 8 E35
Managing Planet Earth HC 59 M244
Oceanography ISBN 0716709813
Roundabout QC 125.2 W27
Earth Sciences QE 1 S1957
American Scientist (Journal)
Science Magazine (Journal)
Scientific American (Journal)
Air Pollution TD 883.7 C2 ...
Air Samplers and Calibration TD 890 M253 1993
Air Pollution in Vancouver TD 887 K4 M35
Air Pollution and Plant Life QK 751 A36
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Modified: 15/09/1995
by (Luis Goddyn)