
ʔəy̓ netəł.Good morning.
ʔəy̓ sweyəl.Good day
ʔəy̓ xʷəneʔənt.Good evening
ʔəy̓ snet.Good night.
siʔem̓respected one, sir, madam
ʔi ʔə čxʷ ʔəw ʔəy̓ ʔal̓?How are you? (Are you quite well?)
ʔi cən ʔəw ʔəy̓ ʔal̓, siʔem̓.I am well, sir/madam.
ʔi cən.I am.
ʔi: tə nəwə? And you?
ƛ̓eʔ cən ʔəw ʔəy̓ ʔal̓.I am also well.
ʔiyəs cən kʷəns ni k̓ʷəcnamə.I am happy to see you.
ʔəw sya čxʷ ʔal̓.Take care.

Revised 2014-07-05. .Back to Table of Contents