FNLG 331 - Lesson Two- Old People

t'at mustimuhw


  1. Some Terms Relating To Archaeology
  2. Materials Found in Sites
  3. Sorts of Artifacts Found in Sites
  4. The Weir
  5. Barbecuing Salmon
  6. Duck Hunting
  7. Rush Mats

Some Terms Relating To Archaeology

bone remainsshtth'utth'a'
museumshni's tthu shtth'utth'a'    ('place of the bone remains')
gravesitesyuw'a'numa' shmukw'elu    ('First People burial site')
reburialthuy'ulutsum    ('honoring deceased by digging up bones, wrapping and reburying')

Materials Found in Sites

bonestth'am' bonesstth'alum'
antler, horntth'uystun
shell ts'e'wi' shells ts'e'luwi'

Sorts of Artifacts Found in Sites

anchor, sinkerlhqun'utun anchor, sinker    (cf. lhqun'ut moor it)
wedgeshseq'ul's (splitting wedge)
knifeshuptun (cf. shiput cut along it; shupmun shavings)
scraper, knife (Snuneymuhw)'uxtun (cf. 'ixut scrape)
stone knife smeent shuptun
D-adze stulhtsus
adzesht'umuw'ulh adze-like mattock
adzeshtulhtsusum' adze-like mattock
adzesht'ut'umul's adze with straight hammer, like a mattock but with short handle
spears'unum (fish spear, spear shaft)
spear pointte'ulh
spear pointtth'aqwi'tun
arrowtth'umeen' (also tth'um'een)
bowstringtl'imun (bowstring, tendon, leadline)
blanket pints'uqw'nistun (cf. ts'qw'at pierce it, poke a needle in)

The Weir

poles on weirshts'uw'nus
horizontal weir polessli'xus
wild cherry barkst'ulum'
red cedar withessyuqw'um
bracing polesshyem'uthut
lattice panels sts'e'
fish trap on upstream of weirti'tathun'
fish trap (used in ocean)tqep

Barbecuing Salmon

forked BBQ stickspi'kwun
spreading stickst'eets'
spirea; hardhackt'eets'ulp
BBQ stick, splayerts'a't'a'

Duck Hunting

duck net polesxwul'xwul'u
down skinsxtth'um kw'uluw'
down skin blanketsxtth'um luxwtun

Rush Mats

wall matsala'uts
summer mat housesala'utsew't-hw
matluqw'uy'    (a reed mat in a lattice-weave pattern)
matthul'shutun    (braided or woven of rushes or cloth)
wooden needlets'qw'e'lhtun    (used to lace rushes)
mat creaserqwthumtsus
make bullrush mats'ukw'emutth't    (hook fibre or rush)

Revised 2013-06-29.Back to Table of Contents