FNLG 232 - Lesson Nine

Verbs With Human Objects


  1. Vocabulary
  2. Human Objects - Noun Phrases
  3. First and Second Person Objects
  4. Third Person Subjects
  5. Homework
  6. Speech to the Elders/Teachers


ts'ewuthelp him/her/it/them
'aatcall him/her/it/them
temutphone him/her/it/them, shout over to him/her/it/them
'ulmutstwait for him/her/it/them
ts'iitthank him/her/it/them
lemutlook at him/her/it/them
tl'u'astpick him/her/it/them up
t'i'wi'ulhtpray for him/her/it

Human Objects - Noun Phrases

nem' ts'ewut tthun' sqe'uq!Go help your little brother!
nem' 'aat lhun' sqe'uq!Go call your little sister!
nem' temut lhun' ten!Go telephone your mother!
nem' ts'iit tthu s'ul-hween!Go thank the elder!
lemut tthu qeq!Look at the baby!
nem' tl'u'ast kwthun' sqe'uq!Go pick up your brother!
t'i'wi'ulht lhun' si'lu!Pray for your grandmother!
'ulmutst lhun' shhwum'nikw!Wait for your aunt!

First and Second Person Objects

1st person-tham'sh-tal'hw
2nd person-thamu-talu

tth'ihwum 'i' 'ulmutstham'sh!Please wait for me!
tth'ihwum 'i' 'ulmutstal'hw!Please wait for us!
'uy', 'ulmutsthamu tsun tse'.Good, I’ll wait for you.
'uy', 'ulmutstalu tsun tse'.Good, I’ll wait for you all.
t'i'wi'ulhthamu tsun tse'.I will pray for you.
t'i'wi'ulhtalu tsun tse'.I will pray for you all.

More examples

xwum 'u ch 'i' ts'ewutham'sh?
Can you help me?
'ii ch tse’ temutham'sh?
Will you phone me?
ts'iitalu kwun's 'ulup tetsul 'u tun'a kweyul.
I thank you all for coming here today.
ts'iithamu tsun tse' kwun's 'i' ts'ewutham'sh.
I will thank you for helping me.
temuthamu tsun tse' 'uw' kweyulus.
I will call you tomorrow.
'aathamu tsun tse' kwun's m'i hwiwul.
I will call you to come forward.
nem' tsun tse' tl'u'asthamu 'uw' kweyulus.
I’ll come pick you up tomorrow.
nem' tsun tse' tl'u'astalu 'uw' kweyulus.
I’ll come pick you all up tomorrow.

Third Person Subjects

ni' ts'ewutham'shus kwthunu shhwum'nikw.My uncle helped me.
ni' ts'ewutal'hwus kwthu shhwum'nikw tst.Our uncle helped us.
'i tse' tl'u'astham'shus lhunu ten.My mother will pick me up.


  1. Use the phrases above to construct a set of five commands for someone to doing something to you.
     Ex: tth'ihwum 'i' tl'u'astham'sh!  Please pick me up!
  2. Use the verbs in this lesson to construct a set of five question-answer pairs using first and second person singular and plural subject and object pronouns.
     Ex:  temutham'sh 'u ch tse' 'uw' kweyulus? Will you call me tomorrow?
            temuthamu tsun tse' 'uw' kweyulus. I will call you tomorrow.
  3. Tell four things that your relatives or friends did to/for you (using the verbs above). Use third person NPs (not names).
    Ex: ni' ts'ewutham'shus lhunu ten.  My mother helped me.

Speech To the Elders/Teachers

sii'em' nu s'ul-hween, sii'em' nu sii'ye'yu,
My respected Elders, my respected relatives,
ts'iitalu tsun tse' kwun's 'ilup sq'uq'ip 'u tun'a kweyul.
I thank you for being together (with us) today.
yath tseep 'uw' ts'ets'uw'utal'hw 'u tthu syaays tst.
You always help us with our work.
ha' tst ni' tsutsun' 'u tthu syaays tst 'i' ni' tst pte'mutalu 'i' ni' tseep ts'ets'uw'utal'hw.
When we ran into difficulty with our work and we asked you, you came and helped us.
nan 'uw' tl'i' tthu hul'q'umi'num' sqwal 'i' nilh kwun's tatul'ut nilh stl'atl'um'.
The Hul'q'umi'num' language is very important and you helped us learn it properly.
hay tseep q'u, nilh hay 'ul' 'uy' 'un' syaays 'ulup 'u tun'a kweyul, hay tseep q'u.
Thank you for your good work today, thank you.

Revised 2013-01-28.Back to Table of Contents