FNLG 231 - Math Lesson Four: Counting by Tens and Counting Money
Numeral classifiers (Overview)
A number can be placed before a noun to make a noun phrase.
'apun lutem | | 'ten tables' |
yuse'lu shelh | | 'two doors' |
lhihw spe'uth | | 'three bears' |
Some objects are counted by just using the simple number, as above. But other objects are counted using special classifier suffixes.
lhihwus | | 'three round objects, dollars' |
lhihwuqun | | 'three containers' | |
lhhwelu | | 'three people' | |
lhuhwmat | | 'three groups, pieces' | |
There are over twenty lexical suffixes that are used as numeral classifiers.
Use the lexical suffix for round things –as (–us).
kw'inus | 'how many dollars?' |
nuts'us | 'one dollar' |
yusa'lus | 'two dollars' |
lhihwus | 'three dollars' |
xuthinus | 'four dollars' |
lhq'atssus | 'five dollars' |
t'xumus | 'six dollars' | |
tth'a'kwsus | 'seven dollars' | |
ta'tssus | 'eight dollars' | |
toohwus | 'nine dollars' | |
'upanus | 'ten dollars' | |
tskw'shas | 'twenty dollars' |
Higher Numbers
To form the numbers 30–90, use the suffix –ulhshe'.
Counting | | Counting money |
lhuhwulhshe' | 'thirty' | | lhuhwulhsha'us | '$30' |
xuthunlhshe' | 'forty' | | xuthunlhsha'us | '$40' |
lhq'utssulhshe' | 'fifty' | | lhq'utssulhsha'us | '$50' |
t'xumulhshe' | 'sixty' | | t'xumulhsha'us | '$60' |
tth'ukwsulhshe' | 'seventy' | | tth'ukwsulhsha'us | '$70' |
te'tssulhshe', tutssulhshe' | 'eighty' | | te'tssulhsha'us | '$80' |
toohwulhshe' | 'ninety' | | toohwulhsha'us | '$90' |
nets'uwuts | 'one hundred' | | nets'uwuts, nets'uwuts (telu) | '$100' |