Baby Care

nem' tsun tl'shhwimelu. nuwu le'lum'i'lh 'u thunu qeq.I'm going to the store. You look after the baby.
'uy', 'uw' wulh nilh tse' ul'.Good, I will do that.
'iye'qe'lhtchange diapers
'iye'qe'lht ch 'uw' niis hwuy.Change the baby when it wakes up.
'iye'qe'lh 'uw' niis hwuy thunu qeq.Change my baby when she wakes up.
'uy'. ni' 'untsu kwthu shq'ul'tun?Good. Where is the diaper?
ni' sun'iw' 'u kwthu le'tsus kwthu shq'ul'tun.The diaper is in the basket.
ni' wulh tus kwus xlhast thu qeq.It's time to feed the baby.
'i wa'lu kw'ekw'i'.She must be hungry.
xlhast.Feed him/her.
nem' tsun xlhast.I'm going to feed her.
stem kwu'elh kwunus xlhast?What shall I feed her?
ta'mul'tHeat up
ta'mul't tthu sqaalmuhw.Heat up the milk.
ta'mult tthun' squma'stuhw.Heat up what you're feeding.
ni' wulh saay' kwthu shlumelu squma'stuhw.The bottle is ready.
quma'stuhw.Give her/her breast/bottle.
qwets'utstuhwburp him/her
qwets'utstuhw tthu qeq.Burp the baby.
niich 'uw' ulh shakw'ut thun' qeq?Did you bathe the baby?
nem' shakw'ut tthu qeq.Go bathe the baby.
ni' 'untsu kwthu t'umou'luchWhere's the tub?
shushkw'uy'ulhbassinette (=bathing baby)
ni' 'untsu kwthu shushw'uy'ulh?Where's the bassinette?
statum' 'ul' tthu qa' 'un' shakw'ut.Your bath water has to be just lukewarm.
lhuw'tth'emustuhw thu qeq.Undress the baby.
m'i 'amusth 'u kwthu shhw'atth'ustun.Give me the towel.
'e'ut tthu shhw'atth'ustun.Here's the towel.
tl'im' ch 'uw' 'utth'iwst thun' qeq.Dry off your baby.
'utth'emustuw.Dress him/her.
tl'xwa'luqwtcover (the baby's) head
tl'xwa'luqwt tthun' qeq.Cover the baby's head.
'umshasstuhw.Walk her around.
nem' 'itut.Go to sleep.
heen'utsinging lullaby
heen'ut thu qeq.Sing a lullaby to the baby.
'uwu ch xeem'uhw, qeq.Don't cry, baby.
'uwu ch xeem'uhw, nu qeq.Don't cry, my baby.
'uwu ch xeem'uhw, lisaas.Don't cry, Angel.
ts'ehwul'.Be quiet.
nan ch 'uw' 'iyus qeq.You're a pretty baby.
'i wulh yu'e'wu lhun' ten.Your mother is coming.
hun'umut thun' ten.Your mother is home.

Delores' Lullaby

'uwu ch xeem'uxw, 'uwu ch xeem'uxw, lisaas. Don't cry, don't cry, angel.
'uwu ch xeem'uxw, nan ch 'uw' 'iy'as. Don't cry, you are very pretty.

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