Ellen Balka
School of Communication
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6
Last updated, June, 2001
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1992 |
Ph.D., Interdisciplinary, (Communications, Computer Science, Women’s Studies) Faculty of Applied Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby B.C. Concentration: women’s organizations, computer networks and social change. |
1987 |
M.A., Women's Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Concentration: women workers' attitudes towards technology and experiences with workplace technology; the use of technology assessment as an educational tool. |
1983-1984 |
Master's studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, North York Ont. Concentration: women and technological change. |
1983 |
Non-matriculated graduate student, Social Management of Technology Program, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Concentration: technology assessment; technology and work. |
1981 |
B.A., Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Washington, Seattle WA. Concentration: alternative energy technology and planning. |
1997- |
Director, Assessment of Technology in Context Design Lab (ATIC-DL). School of Communication, Faculty of Applied Science, Simon Fraser University. |
Jan. 1991- Feb. 1993 |
Program Coordinator, Women's Studies Program, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland. |
July 2000 |
Received tenure, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. | ||
Jan. 1997- |
Associate Professor, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Undergraduate Courses Taught: Communication and Social Issues in Design Evaluation Methods for Applied Communication Research Social Contexts of Information Technology Qualitative Data Analysis Project Group Women and New Information Technologies Graduate Courses Taught: Analysis of Qualitative Data: Video Design and Methodology in Communication Research Theoretical Perspectives on Technology and Social Change | ||
June 1996- Dec. 1996 |
Received tenure and promoted to Associate Professor, Women's Studies Program, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland. | ||
Jan. 1991- June 1996 |
Assistant Professor, Women's Studies Program, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland. Undergraduate Courses Taught: Advanced Seminar in Women’s Studies An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Women’s Studies Field Methods in Women’s Studies Research Women and Technological Change | ||
Graduate Courses Taught: Epistemological and Methodological Approaches to Women’s Studies Feminist Theory Methods of Sociological Research Women, Science, Nature and Technology Women’s Studies and Social Change Women and Communication Studies | ||
May 1990- |
Instructor, Department of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Course title: Social Implications of a Computerized Society. | ||
Instructor, Department of Women's Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Course title: Women, Science and Technology. | ||
Distance Education Supervisor, Department of Women's Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Course title: Introduction to Women's Studies. | ||
Jan. 1990- |
Instructor, Department of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Course title: Information and Public Policy. | ||
Sept. 1989- |
Instructor, Department of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Course title: Evaluation Methods for Applied Communication Research. | ||
Jan. 1988- |
Instructor, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Course title: Computers and the Activity of People. | ||
Sept. 1987- |
Instructor, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Course title: Social Implications of a Computerized Society. | ||
Jan. 1987- |
Teaching Assistant, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Course title: Social Implications of a Computerized Society. | ||
Jan. 1987- |
Teaching Assistant, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Course title: Computers and the Activity of People. | ||
Jan. 1985- |
Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Women's Studies. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Course title: Introduction to Women's Studies. |
Winter, 2001 |
Principal Investigator, Western Economic Diversification Grant for Preparation of grant proposal to develop and submit a research proposal to the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, to support socio-technical research concerned with health information technology. |
2001-2006 |
Co-Investigator, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Project title: Best Practices for Coordinated Health Promotion and Health Services in Midlife Allan Best and Neena Chappell, Co-PIs. $2, 473,964.00. |
2001-2002 |
Principal Investigator, Office of Learning Technologies New Practices in Workplace Learning Program. Project title: Pathways to Learning at Work: Enhanced Learning in Healthcare. $149,850. |
2000-2001. |
Co-PI (with Allan Best, UBC and Vancouver General Hospital). Science Council of British Columbia. Project title: Knowledge Management for Integrated Health Services. $17,000.00. |
Spring, 2000- Spring, 2003 |
Principal Investigator, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant. Project title: From Work Practice to Public Policy: A Case Study of the Canadian Health Information Infrastructure. $119,119.00.(119,000) |
Winter, 2000 |
Principal Investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Presidents Fund for Innovation. ($10,000.00). Project title: Emergence: Mapping the Relocation of Employment in the
Global Information Economy. |
Spring, 1999 |
Investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Small Grant, Simon Fraser University. Project title: Theoretical Foundations of a Multi-level Analysis of Technological Change. |
Spring, 1999 |
Co-Investigator (with A. Beale), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Small Grant, Simon Fraser University. .(5,000.00) Project title: Gender and the Knowledge-Based Economy and Society: From Global to Local. |
Spring, 1998 |
Investigator, President's Research Grant Fund, Simon Fraser University. Project title: Behind Closed Doors and Out in Public: An Investigation of Computer Use in the Public and Private Spheres. |
Fall, 1997 |
Co-investigator (with L. Jorgenson). TeleLearning Research Network. Project title: Guided Collaboration in Implementation and Development of Distance Learning Technology. ($4,000) |
1996-1997 |
Endowed Research Fellowship, Simon Fraser University. Establishment of the Assessment of Technology in Context Design Lab (ATIC-DL). (6,000) |
Spring, 1997- |
Co-investigator (with W. Robbins, M. Olliver, D. Cote, N. Strong-Boag). Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant ($55,000.00). Project title: PAR-L Research Network. |
Fall, 1996 |
Research Associate, Sociology Institute, University of Bergen, Norway. Project title: Norwegian Industrial Relations and the Growth of Participatory Design of Technology. |
Nov. 1995- March, 1998 |
Principal Investigator, Vice-president’s Research Grant, Memorial University. Project title: An Investigation of Birth Control Usage and Failure among Newfoundland and Labrador Women seeking Therapeutic Abortions. |
April, 1995-March, 1999 |
Principal Investigator, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant. Project title: Skill, Gender and User Involvement in the Design Process: A Comparative Study of Participatory Design and Ergonomics. |
April 1995- March 1998 |
Collaborator, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant (A. Clement, University of Toronto Faculty of Library and Information Sciences, Principal Investigator)$79,000.00). Project title: Developing Information Policies for a Canadian ‘Information Infrastructure: Public Interest Perspectives.’ |
Jan. 1992- |
Research Fellow, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. Project title: Participatory Design of Communications technology: Initiating a Newfoundland and Labrador Women’s Computer Network. |
Nov. 1987- |
Research Assistant, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Research project on women's use of computer networks. | |
Jan. 1985- |
Research Consultant, Brotherhood of Railway and Airline Clerks, Vancouver, B.C. Research design, data collection and analysis for research concerning how workers have been affected by technological change. | |
Sept. 1983- |
Assistant Editor, Women and Environments, Toronto, Ont. Copywriting, editing and layout. | |
July 1981- |
Researcher, Ecotope Consulting Group, Seattle, WA. Research on regional energy conservation. |
April, 1999 |
Sole Source Contract, Status of Women Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Extended Outline for Discussion Paper to Develop A Framework for the Development of Gender Sensitive Policy and Program Indicators for Evaluating Gender Equality in a Knowledge Based Economy and Society. |
April, 1997 |
Sole Source Contract, Human Resources Development Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Gender and Access to the Information Highway and Knowledge Based Economy: Summary of Related Relevant Research, Implications for Policy and Data Collection. |
July, 1996 |
Sole Source Contract, Innuit Women’s Association, Ottawa, Ontario. Evaluation of Proposed Telecommunications Plan for Government of Nunavut. |
Dec. 1992 |
Sole source contract, ACOA/Enterprise Network. St. John's, Nfld. Development of Terms of Reference for evaluation of $7.2 million Federal/Provincial Cooperation Agreement which mandates existence of a provincial computer network. |
June 1986- |
Computer Consultant, Self employed, Vancouver B.C. Hardware acquisition, setup and repair; applications training, programming and troubleshooting; wide area networking; data transfer between microcomputers and mainframes; technical writing. |
Books and Monographs (Refereed)
| |
In preparation |
Balka, E. Women Users: Technology Design with Women in Mind. |
2000 |
Balka, E. and Smith, R.K., (Eds.). Women, Work and Computerization: Charting a Course to the Future. Norwell, MA: Kluwer. |
1997 |
Balka, E. Computer Networking: Spinsters on the Web. Ottawa: Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women. |
Refereed Journal Articles
| |
Accepted for Publication |
Balka, E. "Long Numbers and Wrong Numbers: New Technology and the Restructuring of Women's Work in Telecommunication in Atlantic Canada." Accepted for publication in Labour/Le Travail. |
In Press |
Balka, E. "Uncovering Gendered Social Relations: The Active Text of Computer Networks." Das Argument. |
2000 |
Balka, E. "Rethinking ‘The Medium is the Message’: Agency and Technology in McLuhan’s Writings." Media International Australia., #94, 73-88. |
2000 |
Balka, E. "Recipe for new directions in communications research: Take one feminist, add an interest in the social aspects of computing and shake; finally, stir with communications as an area of study and serve." Australia and New Zealand Communications Association. The Australian Journal of Communication, vol. 27 (1), 22-50. |
1998 |
Balka, E. "Feminist Technology Assessment: Reflections on Theory and Practice" Atlantis vol. 22 #2, (Spring), 112-122. |
1997 |
Balka, E. "Participatory Design in Women’s Organizations: The Social World of Organizational Structure and the Gendered Nature of Expertise" Gender, Work and Organizations, vol. 4 #2, April, 1997, 99-115. |
1996 |
Balka, E.. "Women and Computer Networking in Six Countries" The Journal of International Communications, Vol. 3 #1, July, 1996. 66-84. |
1995 |
Balka, E. "Risk recreation, gender, technology and empowerment: Reflections of life on the rocks" Canadian Woman Studies/Les Cahiers de la femme. vol. 15, #3 (Special Issue on Women and Sport). 42-45. |
1994 |
Balka, E. & Doucette, L. "The accessibility of computers to organizations serving women in the province of Newfoundland: Preliminary study results" Electronic Journal of Virtual Culture, vol. 2 #3, 739 lines. |
1993 |
Balka, E. "Cappuccino, community and technology: Technology in the everyday life of Margaret Benston" Canadian Woman Studies Journal/les cahiers de la femme. vol. 13 #2, 62-65. |
1993 |
Benston, M. & Balka, E. "Participatory Design by Non-Profit Groups" Canadian Woman Studies Journal/les cahiers de la femme. vol. 13 #2, 100-103. |
1993 |
Balka, E. "Women’s access to on-line discussions about feminism" The Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication v.3., n.1. |
1986 |
Balka, E. "Calculus and Coffee Cups: Learning Science on Your Own" Resources For Feminist Research vol. 16 #3, 11-12. |
Book Chapters
| ||
Accepted for Publication |
Balka, E. and Peterson, B.J. "Jacques and Jill at VPL: Citizenship and the Use of the Internet at Vancouver Public Library." Submitted for publication in M. Pandakur and R. Harris (Eds.). Citizens at the Crossroads: Whose Information Society? Ottawa: Queen’s Press. (Refereed) | |
In Press |
Balka, E. "The Invisibility of the Everyday: New Technology and Women’s Work in Telecommunications in Atlantic Canada." In E. Meehan & E. Riordan (Eds.). Sex and Money: The Intersection of Feminism and Political Economy in Communication. (p. xx=xx). University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis: | |
2000 |
Balka, E. "Professional Societies." In C. Kramarae and D. Spender, (Eds). The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women. (vol. 3, p. 1674-1678). Routledge: New York. | |
2000 |
Balka, E. "Introduction." In E. Balka and R.K. Smith, (Eds.). Women, Work and Computerization: Charting a Course to the Future (p. 1-8). Norwell, MA: Kluwer. | |
Balka, E. "Documenter les domaines inexploités: Critiques féministes du changement technologique." In R. Mura (Ed.). "Un savoir à notre image? vol. 2." Presses Inter Universitaires, Quebec. 183-206. (Refereed) | |
1997 |
Balka, E. "Sometimes Texts Speak Louder than Users: Locating Invisible Work Through Textual Analysis" In A.F. Grundy, D. Kohler, V. Oechtering and U. Petersen (Eds.). Women, Work and Computerization: Spinning a Web from Past to Future. Springer-Verlag: New York. 163-176. (Refereed) | |
1996 |
Balka, E. "Gender and Skill in Human Computer Interaction" In ACM/SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems: Common Ground (CHI ‘96 Conference Companion). ACM Press/ Addison Wesley: New York. 93-94. (Refereed) | |
1996 |
Balka, E. "Perseverance, Pictures and Parts" In L. Salter & A. Hearn (Eds.). Outside the Lines: Exploring Interdisciplinary Research. McGill-Queens: Montreal & Kingston. 46-51. | |
1995 |
Balka, E. "Technology as a factor in women’s occupational stress: The case of telephone operators" In K. Messing, L. Dumais & B. Neis, (Eds.). Invisible: Issues in Women’s Occupational Health. Gynergy Press: P.E.I. 75-103. | |
1988 |
Smith, J. & Balka, E. "Chatting on Feminist Computer Networks" in C. Kramarae, (Ed.). Technology and Women's Communication. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 82-97. |
Other Writing (Research Reports, Conference Proceedings, Newspapers and Magazines, Newsletters):
2001 |
Balka, E. "Moving Beyond the Field of Dreams: New Lenses for Viewing Government Use of the Internet." Keynote Address Presented to 6th Annual Government on the Net Conference, 'Government Online and on the Front Line,' Hull, Quebec, April 23. (Refereed).On-line. |
2000 |
Balka, E. and Peterson, B.J. Moving Beyond the Field of Dreams: Citizenship and the Use of the Internet at Vancouver Public Library. Proceedings of Directions in Advanced Computing (DIAC) 2000: Shaping the Network Society: The Future of the Public Sphere in Cyberspace. University of Washington, May 20-23. (p. 94-101). Seattle: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. (Refereed) |
1999 |
Balka, E. "Where Have all the Feminist Technology Critics Gone?" Loka Alert 6:6 (11 Nov. 1999). Amherst MA.: Loka Institute ( www.loka.org). |
1999 |
Balka, E. "Women and the Knowledge Based Economy and Society: What’s
Design Got To Do With It?" |
1999 |
Balka, E. "Technology as a factor in women’s occupational health." Proceedings of Women’s Occupational Health Network Meetings. University of Quebec at Montreal (CINBIOSE). March 26-28, (p. 98-104). Ottawa: Health Canada. |
1998 |
Balka, E. "User-Centered Design as Negotiated Relationships."
1998 |
Balka, E. and Jones, M. "Ethnographic Analysis of the Implementation and Use of a High Speed Computer Network in a Middle School Setting: Interim Report of the IPS/PDG/ATIC Project." ATIC-DL Report 98-01. Burnaby: Simon Fraser University, Assessment of Technology in Context Design Lab. |
1998 |
Balka, E. and Jones, M. "Planning and Implementing Participant Re-Design of Middle-School Mathematics Software: The Second Phase of the IPS/PDG/ATIC Project." ATIC-DL Report 98-02. Burnaby: Simon Fraser University, Assessment of Technology in Context Design Lab. |
1998 |
Balka, E. "Where do we draw the line? Technology as prosthesis or
self as machine?" |
1997 |
Balka, E. "Internet Access: Right or Privilege for Women?" Human Rights Forum Summer/Fall 1997 vol. 7 #1 (p.4-5). |
1997 |
Balka, E. "Insights from Participatory Design and their Application
to Ergonomics" |
1997 |
Balka, E. "Gender, Technology and Three-Tracking: Thoughts on
Pleasure and Technology" |
1997 |
Balka, E. "Viewing Universal Access Through A Gendered Lens" Proceedings of Universal Access Workshop: Developing a Canadian Access Strategy: Universal Access to Essential Network Services. Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. February 6-8, 1997. |
1996 |
Balka, E. "Gender and Skill in Human Computer Interaction" In ACM/SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems: Common Ground CHI ‘96 Conference Companion. ACM Press/ Addison Wesley: New York. 325. (Refereed) |
1994 |
Balka, E. "Position Statement for Critical Considerations in the Creation and Control of Personal/Collective Communication Spaces" In A. Clement, L. Suchman & I. Wagner (Eds.). Workshop Proceedings: Critical Considerations in the Creation and Control of Personal/Collective Communications Spaces. Palo Alto CA.: Xerox PARC. (Refereed) |
1992 |
Balka, E. "If you are hiring a coordinator..." Coordinator’s column, Canadian Women’s Studies Association Newsletter, Fall Issue. |
1991 |
Balka, E. "Margaret Benston Remembered" Labour/ Le Travail #27 v2. |
1991 |
Balka, E. "Women’s Studies at Memorial University" Waterlily, Fall 1991. |
1990 |
Benston, M. & Balka, E. "Participatory Design with Non-Profits" PDC '90: Conference Proceedings (pp. 107-113). Seattle, WA.: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. (Refereed) |
Editorial and Review Work
2001 |
Peer review of grant application submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Special Program on the Non-Profit Sector. |
2000 |
Peer review of paper submitted to Feminist Media Studies. |
2000 |
Program Committee, 6th Biennial Participatory Design Conference, New York, New York. Nov. 28-Dec. 1. |
2000 |
Peer review of paper submitted to Canadian Public Policy Review. |
2000 |
Peer review of paper submitted to Australian Communication Association Conference, Refereed Stream. |
2000 |
Peer review of grant applications submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Women and Change and Sociology/ Communication Committees. |
1999 |
Peer review of article submitted for publication in Technology and Society. |
1999 |
Peer review of article submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication. |
1999-2000 |
Program Chair, 7th International Federation of Information Processors Women, Work and Computerization Conference. Vancouver, B.C., June 8-11, 2000. |
1999 |
Peer review of grant applications submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Women and Change category. |
1998 |
Program Committee, 5th Biennial Participatory Design Conference, Seattle, Washington. Nov. 12-14. |
1998 |
Peer review of papers submitted for publication in The Information Society. |
1995 |
Peer review of short papers submitted for presentation at 1996 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 13-18, 1996 in Vancouver B.C. Sponsored by ACM and SIGCHI. |
1994-1995 |
Editorial Advisory Board, Women’s Studies Series, Lorimer Press. |
1994-present |
Editorial Advisory Board, Gates: An international journal promoting greater access to technology, engineering and science. |
1995 |
Peer review of grant applications submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Women and Change and Education categories. |
1994 |
Member, Research Grants Adjudication Committee, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women. |
1994 |
Peer review of grant application submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Education category. |
1993 |
Peer review of grant application submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Interdisciplinary category. |
1992 |
Manuscript reviewer, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, Feminist Perspectives series, paper on feminist research methodology. |
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations, Keynote Addresses:
2001 |
Balka, E. "Moving Beyond the Field of Dreams: New Lenses for Viewing Government Use of the Internet." Keynote Address Presented to 6th Annual Government on the Net Conference, 'Government Online and on the Front Line,' Hull, Quebec, April 23. | |
2000 |
Balka, E. "The Gendering of Job Mobility in Atlantic Canada." Keynote Address presented to Union for Radical Political Economists. Bantam Connecticut, August 20. | |
1999 |
Balka, E. "Recipe for new directions in communications research:
Take one feminist, add an interest in the social aspects of computing and
shake; finally, stir with communications as an area of study and serve."
| |
1997 |
Balka, E. "Reflections on the Use of New Communication Technologies in Curriculum Development" Keynote Address (Roundtable discussion). The First Annual Symposium on Innovative Teaching, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. September 30th. |
1993 |
"North American Perspectives on Women and Technological Change" Part of Keynote Panel: "Learning from Past Experiences" Fifth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Women, San Jose, Costa Rica. February 23. |
Conference Presentations, International and International Conferences Held in Canada:
2001 |
Balka, E. "Tidying up loose ends: Theoretical and Practical Issues Related to Women’s Participation in Technological Design." Internatioanl Summer Academy on Technology Studies on User Involvement in Technological Innovation. Organized by the Inter-university Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFF/IFZ) in cooperation with the University of Twente Centre for Studies of Science, Technology and Society and Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Innovation Studies and History of Technology. Deutschlandsberg, Austria, July 8-14.
| ||
2001 |
Balka, E. "Moving from Chaos to Socially Aware Technology Design: Reflections on the Courtship of Theory and Praxis." Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies. Joint Workshop, Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, Graz, Austria and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VT), Blacksburg, U.S.A. Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ), Graz, Austria. Graz, Austria, June 8.
| ||
2000 |
Balka, E. "New Brunswick: The Call Centre Capital of North America." Paper presented at Where in the World? E-work Location in a Digital Global Economy. Budapest, Hungary. Oct. 24-25.
| ||
2000 |
Balka, E. and Peterson, B.J. "Moving Beyond the Field of Dreams: Citizenship and the Use of the Internet at Vancouver Public Library." 7th International IFIP-Conference on Women, Work and Computerization. Vancouver, B.C. Canada, June 8-11.
| ||
2000 |
Balka, E. and Peterson, B.J. "Moving Beyond the Field of Dreams: Citizenship and the Use of the Internet at Vancouver Public Library." Paper presented at Directions in Advanced Computing (DIAC) 2000: Shaping the Network Society: The Future of the Public Sphere in Cyberspace. University of Washington, May 20-23. (p. 94-101). Seattle: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. University of Washington, Seattle, Wa., May 20-23.
| ||
1999 |
Balka, E. and Peterson, B.J. "Jacques and Jill at VPL: Gender, Race and the Culture of Internet Use at Vancouver Public Library." Paper Presented at Union for Democratic Communications Conference "Communication, Culture and Environments," University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, October 14-16.
| ||
1999 |
Balka, E. "Rethinking ‘The Medium is the Message’: Agency and
Technology in McLuhan’s Writings." | ||
1998 |
Balka, E. "Long Numbers and Wrong Numbers: New Technology and the
Restructuring of Women’s Work in Telecommunications in Atlantic Canada."
| ||
1998 |
Balka, E. "Where do we draw the line? Technology as prosthesis or
self as machine?" | ||
1998 |
Balka, E. and Keats, P. "Knowledge of Birth Control among Women Seeking Abortions in Newfoundland & Labrador, 1996-1997." Scientific Papers Section, National Abortion Federation Meetings, Vancouver, B.C., May 17-19. | ||
1997 |
Balka, E. "Insights from Participatory Design and their Application to Ergonomics" International Ergonomics Association 13th Triennial Congress. Tampere, Finland, June 29th-July 4th.. | ||
1997 |
Balka, E. "Sometimes texts speak louder than users: Locating invisible work through textual analysis" 6th International IFIP-Conference on Women, Work and Computerization. Bonn, Germany, May 26th. | ||
1996 |
Balka, E. "Feminist technology assessment: Reflections on Theory and Practice" European Association for the Social Studies of Science and Technology (EASST). Bielefeld, Germany. October 10. | ||
1996 |
Balka, E. "Gender and Skill in Human Computer Interaction" Interactive Poster Presentation. CHI ‘96: Common Ground. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, sponsored by ACM and SIGCHI. Vancouver B.C. April 13-18. | ||
1996 |
Balka, E. "Gender and Skill in Human Computer Interaction" Facilitator, Special Interest Group. CHI ‘96: Common Ground. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, sponsored by ACM and SIGCHI. Vancouver B.C. April 13-18. | ||
1995 |
"Political Frameworks for System Design: Participatory Design in Non-Profit Women’s Organizations in Canada and the United States" Political Frameworks of Systems Design From A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Workshop sponsored by International Federation of Information Processors (IFIP) Working Group 9.1: Computers and Work, held in conjunction with Third Decennial Conference: Computers in Context: Joining Forces in Design. Aarhus, Denmark, August 14-18. | ||
1994 |
"Gender as a factor in creating and controlling personal and collective communications spaces" Critical Considerations in the Creation and Control of Personal/Collective Communications Spaces. (Workshop held in conjunction with the 1994 Association of Computing Machinists (ACM) Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work ). Sponsored by International Federation of Information Processors (IFIP) Working Group 9.1: Computers and Work. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. October 22. | ||
1994 |
"The use of computer technology by grass-roots women’s organizations: Findings from a province wide study" 5th Conference on Women, Work and Computerization, Manchester, England July 2-6. (Paper presented by L. Shade, McGill University). | ||
1992 |
"Feminism, Telecommunications and Information Policy: The Case of Computer Networks" Union for Democratic Communications Annual Conference, Peterborough, Ont., May 9. | ||
1990 |
"Participatory Design with Non-Profits" PDC '90: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Conference on Participatory Design, Seattle WA., March 31 & April 1. | ||
1989 |
"Feminist Perspectives on the Design of Computer Communications Networks: Problems with Expert/User Models" International Federation of Information Processors, East Berlin, German Democratic Republic, July 12. | ||
1989 |
"Feminist Perspectives on the Design of Computer Communications Networks: Alternative Design Strategies" International Federation of Information Processors, East Berlin, German Democratic Republic, July 11. | ||
1988 |
"Feminist Organizing Goes On-Line: Computer Networks in the Women's Movement" National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) Annual Meetings, St. Paul, Minn., June 24. | ||
1985 |
"Limitations Inherent to Technology Assessment Methodology" American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Western Regional Meetings, Missoula MT., June 12. | ||
1985 |
"Assessing Technology From A Feminist Perspective" National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA., June 21. |
Conference Presentations, Canadian:
2001 |
"Equitable access? Public libraries and the Internet." 2001: A Learning Odyssey. The Annual British Columbia Library Association Conference, Hilton Vancouver-Metrotown. Burnaby B.C. April 20. | |||
1999 |
Balka, E. and Peterson, B.J. "Jacques and Jill at VPL: Citizenship and the Use of the Internet at Vancouver Public Library." Paper presented at Citizens at the Crossroads: Whose Information Society? University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, October 21-23.
| |||
1998 |
Balka, E. "Locating women's access to the Internet: It's more than
just machines." | |||
1998 |
Balka, E. "Technology as a focus for the identification of Women’s Occupational Health Issues." Women’s Occupational Health Network Meeting, Montreal, Quebec. March 26-29, 1998. | |||
1998 |
Balka, E. "Invisible Work, Work-Arounds and Articulation Work: Implications for Women’s Occupational Health." Women’s Occupational Health Network Meeting, Montreal, Quebec. March 26-29, 1998. | |||
1997 |
Balka, E. "Computer Networking: The Potential for Feminist Activism" The Women’s Internet Conference. Ottawa, Ontario. Oct. 18-22. | |||
1997 |
Balka, E. "Communications Technology, Gender and Development: The Political Economy of Telecommunications in Atlantic Canada" Socialist Studies Society and Law and Society Joint Session, Learned Societies Conference. St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. June 8th. | |||
1997 |
Balka, E. "Teaching technology/Technology Teaching" Canadian Communication Association Annual Meeting. St. John’s, Nfld. Canada. June 7th. | |||
1997 |
Balka, E. "Women Users: Gender Issues in Participatory Design of Computer Systems" Canadian Communication Association Annual Meeting. St. John’s, Nfld. Canada. June 7th. | |||
1997 |
Balka, E. "Women and Access" Making the Links: A Critical Look at Community and the Internet. 5th Annual British Columbia Library Association Information Policy Conference. Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre, March 21. | |||
1997 |
Balka, E. "Viewing Universal Access Through A Gendered Lens" Developing a Canadian Access Strategy: Universal Access to Essential Network Services. Universal Access Workshop. Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. February 6-8. | |||
1993 |
"Healing and Balance in the Lives of Activist Academics" Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) Annual Conference, St. John’s Nfld., Nov. 14.
| |||
1993 |
"The Structure of Newfoundland Women’s Organizations: Research Findings" Canadian Women's Studies Association Annual Meetings, Ottawa, Ontario, June 3. | |||
1992 |
"More Conundrums in Coordinating Women's Studies" Canadian Women's Studies Association Annual Meetings, Charlottetown, P.E.I., May 31. | |||
1991 |
"Communication Between Women's Studies Programmes" Canadian Studies Association Annual Meetings, Kingston, Ont., June 4. | |||
1991 |
"Technological and Occupational Change: Implications for Women in the 90s" Working Knowledge: Labour and Learning in the Twenty-First Century, Vancouver Community College, May 11. | |||
1990 |
"The Use of Computer Communication Networks by Women in the Context of Feminist Social Change" Canadian Women's Studies Association Annual Meetings, Victoria B.C., May 30. | |||
1988 |
"Women-Friendly Communication Strategies: Making the Computer Work for You" Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) Annual Conference, Quebec City, Que., Nov. 12. | |||
1988 |
"Strategies for the Implementation of a Feminist Computer Network" B.C./Yukon Federation of Women's Groups Annual Conference, One Hundred Eight Mile House, B.C., June 4. | |||
1988 |
"Down The Line: The Social Implications of Computers" British Columbia Teacher Librarian's Association Annual Conference, Harrison Hot Springs, B.C., April 18. | |||
1986 |
"Women, Work, Technology and Unions" Port Alberni Women's Resources Conference, Port Alberni, B.C., Feb. 7. |
Seminar Presentations and Guest Teaching:
2001 |
"Participatory Approaches to Interactive Learning." Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ), Course on Women and Technology, Graz, Austria. May 11-12. |
2001 |
"Gender and Public Internet Use in a Community Library in Canada." Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ), Course on Women and Technology, Graz, Austria. March 31. |
2000 |
"Gender, Skill, Expertise and User Involvement in Designing Technology: Reflections on Theory and Practice." Dept. of Women’s Studies and School of Communication Studies, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. November 27. |
1998 |
"Gender, Skill, Expertise and User Involvement in Designing Technology: Reflections on Theory and Practice." Dept. of Innovation Studies, University of East London. East London, England. June 24. |
1998 |
"Gendering Ergonomics: Insights from Participatory Design and Women’s Studies." Tampere University of Technology, Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management. Tampere, Finland. June 5. |
1998 |
"Gender, Diversity and the Information Society in Canada." Work Research Centre, University of Tampere. Tampere, Finland. June 3. |
1998 |
"Gendering Ergonomics: Insights from Participatory Design and Women’s Studies." National Centre for Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland. June 1. |
1997 |
Visiting Professor, People, Technology and Work Program and InfoCentre. Conducted lectures and seminars on gender and participatory design and women and technology. University College of Karlskrona-Ronneby, Ronneby, Sweden. Dec. 15-18. |
1997 |
"Gender, Technology, Participation and Ergonomics" Department of Environment, Technology and Social Studies, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark. Dec. 11. |
1997 |
"Gender and Communication in Participatory Design of Technology" Technology and Social Change Program, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden. May 21. |
1996 |
"Addressing Gender in Participatory Design of Computing Systems: Theoretical and Conceptual Problems" Department of Computer Science and Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. December 4. |
1996 |
"Gender and Computer Networking: Findings from Three Studies" Science, Technology and Society Programme, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Nov. 22. |
1996 |
"Culture and Participatory Design and the Culture of Participatory Design" Institute of Sociology and Multidisciplinary Group for the Study of Work and Society, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. Sept. 26. |
1996 |
"Gender and Skill in Participatory Design and Ergonomics" Faculty of Engineering Speakers Series, University of Washington. Seattle, WA. April 22. |
Seminar Presentations and Guest Teaching, Canadian:
2000 |
"Designing Healthy Technology? An Overview of the Canadian Health Information Highway." President’s Lecture, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby B.C. November 20. |
2000 |
"The use of the internet by library patrons at Vancouver Public Library." Simon Fraser University Library Brown Bag Lecture Series 4. W.A.C. Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. April 26. |
2000 |
"Social, Ethical and Gender Issues in Designing Technology." Equity Issues in Education and Employment Lecture Series, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. February 24. |
1999 |
"The use of computers in qualitative data analysis." Guest lecture in Evaluation Methods for Applied Communications Research. Simon Fraser University School of Communication, Burnaby, B.C. September 28. |
1999 |
"Redesigning Women's Work: Insights from Participatory Design and Participatory Ergonomics."Women’s Studies Program, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C. March 12. |
1999 |
"Gender and Technology: Accounting for Invisible Work in Job Design." Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Program, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. January 22. |
1997 |
"Technology Assessment: Applications in Educational Technology" Graduate Program, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. March 4. |
1997 |
"An Overview of Women and Technology" and "Research Findings: Three Studies about Women and Technology" Guest Lectures, Introduction to Communication. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Feb. 18 and 25. |
1997 |
"The Future of Democracy in the Cyber-Age" Panelist, Panel discussion hosted by Simon Fraser University School of Communication, Institute for the Humanities and Continuing Studies. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C. Jan. 31. |
1996 |
"Technology Assessment" and "Technology as an Equity Issue" M.Phil. Humanities Programme, Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. May 29 & June 5. |
1996 |
"Gender and Communication Issues in the Design of Technological Systems" School of Communication, Simon Fraser University. Burnaby, B.C. April 12. |
1996 |
"Gender and Built Environments" Department of Geography Seminar Series, Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. March 15. |
1996 |
"Activism and Academics: Praxis, Politics and the Feminist Project" Panel Discussion, Women’s Studies Programme, Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. March 8. |
1995 |
"Equity Issues in Computer Networking" Faculty of Engineering, Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. October 4. |
1995 |
"Life After an MA in Women’s Studies: Reflections on the Early Days of SFU’s MA Program in Women’s Studies" 20th Anniversary of Women’s Studies, Department of Women’s Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. September 29. |
1994 |
"Technology Assessment and Equity" Faculty of Engineering, Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. October 13. |
1994 |
"Technology Assessment" M.Phil. Humanities Programme, Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. June 30. |
1994 |
"Documenter les domaines inexploités: Critiques féministes du changement technologique" Centre Pour Des Études Sur Les Femmes, Université du Québec à Montréal, May 5. |
1993 |
"The Effects of Technological Change on Women's Work in Telecommunications" Social, Technical & Physical Barriers to the Safe Integration of Women in the Workplace (Workshop), Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, August 30. |
1993 |
"The Use of Computers in Women's Organizations: Preliminary Results from a Provincial Study in Newfoundland and Labrador" University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., March 22. |
1993 |
"Womantalk Goes On-line: The Use of Computer Networks in the Context of Feminist Social Change" University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. January 25. |
1992 |
"Women's Access to Computer Networks: Implications for Participatory Design" Simone De Beauvoir Institute, Montreal, Quebec, January 27. |
1991 |
"Women’s Access to Computer Networks" Science, Communications and Information Technology Series, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, November 12. |
1991 |
"One Foot in Each Door: Women’s Studies and the Community" The University and the Community, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) Newfoundland/Labrador Workshop. St. John’s, Newfoundland, July 12. |
1991 |
"Getting Wired: The Social Impact of Computers in the Workplace" Information Services, Queen Elizabeth II Library, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland, February 26. |
1990 |
"The House that Technology Built: Reflections on Ursula Franklin's The Real World of Technology" University of British Columbia, Professors Emeriti Division. Vancouver, B.C., September 19. |
1990 |
"The Labour Movement and New Technology: Developing Strategies for Change" Second Annual Labour Summer School for High School Students, Bellingham, WA., July 29. |
1989 |
"Truth and Consequences: Using Technology Assessment as a Teaching Tool" Technology Education Colloquium, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT., December 7. |
1989 |
"The Labour Movement and New Technology: Developing Strategies for Change" First Annual Labour Summer School for High School Students, Bellingham, WA., August 25. |
1984 |
"Women, Technological Change and Unemployment" Trainer, Staff of Seattle Office of Women's Rights, Seattle, WA., Aug. 15. |
Hands-on Workshops
1993 |
"Computer Networking for Women’s Groups" Workshop Instructor, Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) Annual Conference, St. John’s, Nfld., Nov. 13. |
1992 |
"Research Techniques for the Overstressed and Underfunded" Workshop Instructor, Provincial Women’s Conference, Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland. November 7. |
1992 |
"Computers and Women’s Organizations: Issues and Strategies" Workshop Instructor, Provincial Women’s Conference, Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland. November 6. |
1992 |
"Computer Networking and Women's Groups: An Overview" Workshop Instructor, Women in Trades and Technology Annual Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, February 3. |
1989 |
"Computer Networking and Women's Groups: An Overview" Workshop Instructor, Transforming Tomorrow: Women’s Studies in the High Schools. Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 4. |
1988 |
"Computer Networking and Women's Groups: An Overview" Workshop Instructor, Women in Trades and Technology Annual Conference, Naramata, B.C., Oct. 4. |
1988 |
"The Design and Implementation of Feminist Computer Networks for Social Change" Workshop Instructor, Newfoundland Women's Groups. St. Johns, Newfoundland, April 23-24. |
1987 |
"The Design and Implementation of Feminist Computer Networks for Social Change" Workshop Instructor, Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 9. |
1987 |
"Assessing and Managing Technological Change" Workshop Instructor, Seattle City Librarians, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 2083, Seattle, WA., May 20. |
1987 |
"Implementing Technological Change Cooperatively" Workshop Instructor, Union of Teacher's Federation Employees and Administrative Staff Union of the British Columbia Teacher's Federation, Vancouver, B.C., March 11. |
1987 |
"Assessing Technological Change in the Workplace" Workshop Instructor, Association of University and College Employees Locals 2 and 6. Burnaby, B.C., Jan. 20 & 22; March 18 & 20. |
1986 |
"Using Computer Networks in a Feminist Organization" Workshop Instructor, American Association of University Women Idaho Chapter, Boise, ID., Feb. 2. |
Conferences and Workshops Organized:
2000 |
"7th International IFIP Conference on Women, Work and Computerization" Conference Chair, Conference to be held June 7-11 2000, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. |
1993 |
"Social, Technical & Physical Barriers to the Safe Integration of Women in the Workplace" Workshop organized with B. Neis, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland. August 28-30. |
1992 |
"Feminist Learning: Defining Reality 500 Years After Columbus" Canadian Women’s Studies Association/Association Canadienne Des Etudes Sur Les Femmes. Annual Conference organized with assistance from B. Percival. University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I. May 31-June 1. |
1991 |
"The University and the Community" Workshop organized with B. Neis and M. Muzychka, Sponsored by Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) Newfoundland/Labrador. St. John’s, Newfoundland, July 11 & 12. |
2001 |
Research Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, Graz, Austria |
2000 |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada International Travel Award. |
2000 |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant (Ctte. #15). ($119,100.00). |
2000 |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada President’s Fund for Innovation Grant. ($10,000.00). |
2000 |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conference Grant. ($24,750.00). |
1999 |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Small Grant. (Internal, $4,999.00). |
1999 |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Small Grant (with A. Beale). (Internal, $4,999.00). |
1998 |
President’s Research Grant, Simon Fraser University. ($10,000.00). |
1997 |
Endowed Research Fellowship, Simon Fraser University. (6,000). |
1997 |
TeleLearning Research Network (contract received from Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics, by the ATIC Design Lab). (4,000) |
1997 |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada International Travel Award. (1,000)(1,000) |
1996 |
Research Fellowship, Memorial University/ University of Bergen (Norway) Faculty Exchange. |
1996 |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada International Travel Award. |
1995 |
Vice President’s Research Grant, Memorial University (SSHRC Internal Research Grant). (3,900) |
1995 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Standard Research Grant (Ctte. #15). ($55,000). |
1994 |
Memorial University Publication Subvention Board (for translation of article into French). |
1993 |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Workshop Grant (with B. Neis, K. Messing and D. Mergler). |
1993 |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada International Travel Award. |
1992 |
Secretary of State Women's Programmes (for Canadian Women's Studies Association). ($25,000.00). |
1992 |
Institute for Social and Economic Research Fellowship and Research Grant (with L. Doucette). ($40,000.00). |
1990 |
Simon Fraser University President's Research Fellowship. |
1989 |
Simon Fraser University Graduate Travel Award. |
1989 |
Simon Fraser University Graduate Research Fellowship. |
1988 |
Simon Fraser University Graduate Research Fellowship. |
1987 |
Simon Fraser University Open Scholarship. |
1986 |
Labour Canada Labour Education Bursary. |
1986 |
Simon Fraser University Graduate Research Fellowship. |
1985 |
Simon Fraser University President's Research Stipend. |
1984 |
York University Graduate Studies Travel Grant; Faculty of Environmental Studies Travel Grant. |
2000 |
Institute for Health, Research and Education Steering Committee, Simon Fraser University. |
2000 |
Dean’s Representative for New Media Innovation Centre (NewMIC), (Appointed), Community Alliance for Health Research and Interdisciplinary Health Research Team Proposal Development. |
1999 |
Member (elected), School of Communication Hiring Committee |
1998-1999 |
Equity Representative, School of Computer Science Hiring Committee |
1998-Present |
Coordinator, School of Communication Honours Program. |
1997-1998 |
Member, (elected) School of Communication Departmental Tenure Committee, Simon Fraser University. |
1997 |
Invited Participant, Knowledge-Based Economy and Society Pilot Project. Co-sponsored by Heritage Canada, Industry Canada and Statistics Canada. Government Conference Centre, Ottawa. October 27th. |
1997-Present |
Member, Centre for Labour Studies Advisory Board, Simon Fraser University. |
1997-Present |
School of Communication Representative, Faculty of Applied Sciences Equity Committee, Simon Fraser University. |
1997-Present |
Member, School of Communication Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Simon Fraser University. |
1997 |
Member, Search Committee, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University. |
1996 |
Member, (elected), Search Committee for new Coordinator, Women’s Studies Programme, Memorial University. |
1996 |
Participant (invited), Pan-Canadian Consultation regarding Status of Women Canada’s new functions. Laval Quebec, March 28-30. |
1996 |
Participant (invited), Newfoundland and Labrador Science Council Consultation concerning computers in education. March 4. |
1996 |
Interdisciplinary Programmes Representative, (elected), Faculty of Arts Focus Group on Academic Planning, Memorial University. |
1995-1996 |
Member, Undergraduate Studies Committee, Women’s Studies Programme, Memorial University. |
1995-1996 |
Advisor, Academic Advising Centre, Faculty of Arts, Memorial University. |
1995-1996 |
Faculty of Arts Representative to the Faculty of Engineering, Memorial University. |
1995-1996 |
Faculty of Arts Representative, University High Speed Computing Committee, Memorial University. |
1994 |
Participant (invited), Federal Science and Technology Review, Regional Meeting. St. John’s, Newfoundland. September 14-15. |
1991-1994 |
Faculty of Arts Representative, Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, Memorial University. |
1992 |
Member, Search Committee for Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies, Memorial University. |
1992 |
Participant, Strategic Planning Workshop, Memorial University. |
1992 |
Member, Development Committee, First Year Computer Literacy Course, Memorial University. |
1991-1992 |
Member, Planning Committee, Women in Academe Speaker Series, Memorial University. |
1986-1987 |
Student Representative, Senate Awards Adjudication Committee, Simon Fraser University. |
| |
1995-1998 |
Secretary, International Federation of Information Processors Working Group 9.1, Technology and Work. |
1993-1994 |
Past-President, Canadian Women's Studies Association. |
1992-1993 |
President, Canadian Women's Studies Association. |
1992-1994 |
Board Member, Social Sciences Federation of Canada. |
1991-1992 |
President-Elect, Canadian Women's Studies Association. |
1991-1996 |
Treasurer, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, Newfoundland/Labrador. |
Board and Committee Activities
1999-Present |
Member, Advisory Committee on Information Technology, British Columbia Centre of Excellence in Women’s Health, Vancouver, B.C. |
1995-1998 |
Research Associate, Morgentaler Clinic, St. John’s, Newfoundland. (Acting in and advisory role in development and implementation of research study on contraceptive failures). |
1995-1996 |
Founding Member, Women’s Health Network, St. John’s, Newfoundland. |
1995-1996 |
Member, Computer Networking Advisory Committee of the Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women. St. John’s, Newfoundland. |
1995 |
Member, National Ad Hoc Advisory Board on Computer Networking, Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women. |
1992-1993 |
Member, Conference Organizing Committee, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) Annual Conference, St. John's, Newfoundland. |
1991-1993 |
Member, St. John's Status of Women Council, St. John's, Newfoundland. |
1991-Present |
Member, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, Newfoundland/Labrador. |
1985-1989 |
Research Advisor, WomenSkills Development Society of B.C., Burnaby, B.C. |
1981-1983 |
Alternative Resources Citizens' Advisory Board. Seattle City Light, Seattle, WA. |
1982-1983 |
Citizens' Forecast Review Committee. Seattle City Light, Seattle, WA. |
Guest Lectures and Public Addresses
| |
1999 |
Where is Jill at VPL? Gender and computer use at Vancouver Public Library. Presentation to Wired Women, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Vancouver, B.C. November 17. |
1999 |
Social, ethical and gender issues in designing technology. Presentation to AS/400 Users’ Group, Surrey Inn, Surrey, B.C. May 14th. |
1998 |
Women and Technology: Issues for the ‘90s. Presentation in Forever Learning Series, Marpole Seniors Centre, Vancouver, B.C. April 24. |
1998 |
The Question of Universal Access: Who Has It, Who Doesn’t? Panelist, 1998 Information Rights Week sponsored by British Columbia Library Association. Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre Campus, April 2. |
1998 |
From Talk to Tango: Communication Perspectives on the Internet. Presentation about Simon Fraser University’s School of Communication Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. January 17. |
1997 |
Toys for Boys or Thrills for Grrls? Presentation and Discussion, Faculty in Residence Program. Shell House Residence, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Nov. 17. |
1997 |
The Future of Community Computer Networks. Guest Speaker, Vancouver Community Network Annual General Meeting Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 12. |
1995 |
Moderator, Panel on Legal Issues Facing Lesbians in Canada. National Women and the Law Conference Hotel Newfoundland, St. John’s, Nfld. May 13. |
1994 |
Panelist, Women in Science and Engineering. Sponsored by Women in Science and Engineering Summer Student Program Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. August 9. |
1993 |
Speaker, Annual ‘Take Back the Night’ March and Rally. St. John’s, Nfld. September 18. |
1993 |
Panelist, Women in Science and Engineering. Sponsored by Women in Science and Engineering Summer Student Program Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. August 10. |
1992 |
Panelist, Women in Science and Engineering. Sponsored by Women in Science and Engineering Summer Student Program Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. August 3. |
1991 |
What is Political Correctness? Panelist, discussion sponsored by the Memorial University Philosophical Society. October 2. |
1987 |
The Effects of New Technology on Women's Work Riley Park Community Centre, Vancouver, B.C. |
1987 |
Uncovering the Social Impacts of New Technology Earl Marriot Secondary School, Surrey, B.C. |
1986 |
The Impact of Women's Involvement with Technology on Non-Traditional Work Canadian Construction Estimators Conference, Vancouver, B.C. |
1986 |
The Effects of New Technology on Careers North Surrey Senior Secondary School, Surrey B.C. |
1985 |
Women, High Technology and Unemployment Seattle Central Community College Brown Bag Lunch Series, Seattle, WA. |
2001 |
Video Interview for GovNET 01 Conference. Interview mojn ted on Government of Canada Web Site, f or Public Service Employees. April 24. |
2001 |
Radio Interview for Graz, Austria, February, 2001. |
2000 |
Radio Interview for CKNW. Burnaby, British Columbia. July 29. |
2000 |
Article in SFU Week Burnaby, British Columbia. May, 2000. |
Radio Interview (1 hour) for FOCUS 580, aired on WILL Urbana Champaign, a National Public Radio affiliate. Live (by phone), January 12. |
1999 |
Television Interview by Mark Schnider for CTV’s Digital Desk Vancouver, B.C. Recorded September 14. Aired September 21 and 25, nationally. |
1999 |
Interview in SFU Week Burnaby, British Columbia. September, 1999. |
1997 |
Radio Interview, Internet News Vancouver, B.C. Recorded April 12th. |
1997 |
Commentary on Women and Technology, Broadcast One (CBC TV News) Vancouver, B.C. Recorded and aired February 25th. |
1994 |
Radio Interview, VOWR Radio St. John’s Nfld. Recorded September 8. |
1994 |
Television Interview, CBC TV News St. John’s, Newfoundland. Recorded June 29. |
1992 |
Moderator, Public Forum on the Provincial Budget Sponsored by Institute for Social and Economic Research and Economics Society. Telecast live on Cable 9, St. John’s, Nfld.. April 9. |
1985 |
The Effects of Technology on Women Workers CKO News Radio Interview, Vancouver, B.C. |
1985 |
Assessing Technology From A Feminist Perspective KUFM Radio Interview, Missoula, Montana. |
1985 |
Analyzing Technology From A Woman's Perspective Co-op Radio Interview, Vancouver, B.C. |
Design, Implementation and Use of Health Information Technologies; Gender and the Design of Technological Systems; Gender, Technology and Communication; Impacts of Technological Change on Women and Minorities; Participatory Design and Participatory Ergonomics; Public Participation in Technology Assessments; Technology and Public Policy; Use of Computer Networks for Social Change; User Participation in Design of Technological Systems; Women’s Occupational Health. |
Association for Computing Machinery Canadian Communication Association Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women Canadian Women's Studies Association Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Union for Democratic Communications |
Canadian and America