Selected Journal Articles of the Past 10 Years 


Ø     Wellman HP, Zhang H, Yang DY, Evans ZD, Miner M, Speller, CS (2023) Native American Use of Cetaceans in Pre-Contact Oregon: Biomolecular and Taphonomic Analyses Illuminate Human-Cetacean Relationships. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology.

Ø     Royle TCA., Guiry EJ, Zhang H, Clark LT, Missal SM, Rabinow SA, James M, & Yang DY, (2022). Documenting The Short-Tailed Albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) Clades Historically Present in British Columbia, Canada, Through Ancient DNA Analysis of Archaeological Specimens. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9116.

Ø     Petrou EL, Kopperl R, Lepofsky D, Rodrigues AT, Yang D, Moss ML, Speller CF, Hauser L. (2022) Ancient DNA Reveals Phenological Diversity of Coast Salish Herring Harvests Over Multiple Centuries, Scientific Reports 12: 13512

Ø     Wang Y, Sun Y, Royle TC, Zhang X, Zheng Y, Tang Z, Clark LT, Zhao X, Cai D, Yang DY (2022) Ancient DNA investigation of the domestication history of pigs in Northeast China. Journal of Archaeological Science. 2022 1;141:105590.

Ø     Morin J, Royle CA, Zhang H, Speller C, Alcaide M, Morin R, Ritchie M, Cannon A, George M, George M, Yang D (2021) Indigenous Sex-Selective Salmon Harvesting Demonstrates Pre-contact Marine Resource Management in Burrard Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. Scientific Reports. 11(1), 21160.

Ø     Morin J, Zhang H, Royle TC, Speller C, Alcaide M, Morin R, Yang D (2021) DNA-Based Species Identification of Ancient Salmonid Remains Provides New Insight into Pre-Contact Coast Salish Salmon Fisheries in Burrard Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 37:102956.

Ø     Petrou EL, Fuentes-Pardo AP, Rogers LA, Orobko M, Tarpey C, Jiménez-Hidalgo I, Moss ML, Yang D, Pitcher TJ, Sandell T, Lowry D (2021) Functional Genetic Diversity In An Exploited Marine Species And Its Relevance To Fisheries Management. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 24;288(1945):20202398.

Ø     Anza-Burgess K, Lepofsky D, Yang D. (2020) “A Part of the People”: Human-Dog Relationships Among the Northern Coast Salish of SW British Columbia. Journal of Ethnobiology, 40(4):434-50.  DOI: 10.2993/0278-0771-40.4.434.

Ø     Royle TCA, Yang DY, and Driver JC (2020) Ancient DNA Reveals Northwest Range Extension Of Richardson’s Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus richardsonii) into Northeastern British Columbia, Canada, during the Late Pleistocene. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2018-0189.

Ø     Guiry EJ, Orchard TJ, Royle TC, Cheung C, Yang DY (2020) Dietary Plasticity And The Extinction of The Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius). Quaternary Science Reviews. 233:106225. DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106225.

Ø     Szpak P, Julien MH, Royle TC, Savelle JM, Yang DY, Richards MP (2020) Sexual Differences in the Foraging Ecology of 19th Century Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the Canadian High Arctic. Marine Mammal Science.

Ø     Guiry E, Royle TC, Matson RG, Ward H, Weir T, Waber N, Brown TJ, Hunt BP, Price MH, Finney BP, Kaeriyama M, Qin Y, Yang DY, Szpak P. (2020) Differentiating Salmonid Migratory Ecotypes through Stable Isotope Analysis of Collagen: Archaeological and Ecological Applications. PloS ONE 15(4):e0232180.

Ø     Royle TC, Zhang H, Guiry EJ, Orchard TJ, Needs-Howarth S, Yang DY (2020) Investigating the sex-selectivity of a Middle Ontario Iroquoian Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) fishery through ancient DNA analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102301.

Ø     Guiry EJ, Royle TC, Orchard TJ, Needs-Howarth S, Yang DY, Szpak P. (2020) Evidence for Freshwater Residency among Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Spawning in New York. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 46(4):1036-1043. DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2020.05.009

Ø     Cheung C, Zhang H, Hepburn JC, Yang DY, Richards MP (2019) Stable Isotope and Dental Caries Data Reveal Abrupt Changes in Subsistence Economy in Ancient China in Response to Global Climate Change. PloS One 14(7) DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0218943

Ø     Petrou EL, Drinan, DP, Kopperl R, Lepofsky D, Yang D, Moss ML, Hauser L (2019) Intraspecific DNA Contamination Distorts Subtle Population Structure in A Marine Fish: Decontamination of Herring Samples Before RestrictionSite Associated Sequencing and Its Effects on Population Genetic Statistics. Molecular Ecology Resources,19(5):1131-1143.

Ø     Thompson TQ, Bellinger, RM, O'Rourke, SM, Prince, DJ, Stevenson, AE, Rodrigues, AT, Sloat MR, Speller, CF, Yang DY, Butler, VL, Banks, MA (2019) Anthropogenic Habitat Alteration Leads to Rapid Loss of Adaptive Variation and Restoration Potential in Wild Salmon Populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 116(1):177-186.

Ø     Manin A, Corona-M E, Alexander M, Craig A, Thornton EK, Yang DY, Richards M, Speller CF, (2018) Diversity of Management Strategies in Mesoamerican Turkeys: Archaeological, Isotopic and Genetic Evidence. Royal Society Open Science, 5(1):171613.

Ø     Cai D, Zhang N, Zhu S, Chen Q, Wang L, Zhao X, Ma X, Royle T.C, Zhou H, Yang DY (2018) Ancient DNA Reveals Evidence of Abundant Aurochs (Bos primigenius) in Neolithic Northeast China. Journal of Archaeological Science, 98:72-80.

Ø     Royle, TC, Sakhrani, D, Speller, CF, Butler, VL, Devlin, RH, Cannon A, and Yang DY (2018) An Efficient and Reliable DNA-Based Sex Identification Method for Archaeological Pacific Salmonid (Oncorhynchus spp.) Remains. PloS One13(3), p.e0193212.

Ø     Rodrigues, AT, McKechnie I, and Yang DY (2018) Ancient DNA Analysis of Indigenous Rockfish Use on The Pacific Coast: Implications for Marine Conservation Areas and Fisheries Management. PloS One13(2), p.e0192716.

Ø     Barrón-Ortiz CI, Rodrigues AT, Theodor JM, Kooyman BP, Yang DY & Speller CF (2017) Cheek Tooth Morphology and Ancient Mitochondrial DNA of Late Pleistocene Horses from the Western Interior of North America: Implications for the Taxonomy of North American Late Pleistocene Equus. PloS one12(8), e0183045.

Ø     Zhang H, Merrett D C, Jing Z, Tang J, He Y, Yue H, Yue Z & Yang DY (2017) Osteoarthritis, Labour Division, and Occupational Specialization of the Late Shang China-Insights from Yinxu (ca. 1250-1046 BC). PloS one12(5), e0176329.

Ø     Wellman HP, Rick TC, Rodrigues AT, & Yang DY (2017). Evaluating Ancient Whale Exploitation on the Northern Oregon Coast through Ancient DNA and Zooarchaeological Analysis. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 12:255-275.

Ø     Brunson K, Zhao X, He N, Dai X, Rodrigues A, & Yang DY (2016) New insights into the origins of oracle bone divination: Ancient DNA from Late Neolithic Chinese bovines. Journal of Archaeological Science, 74, 35-44. doi:

Ø     Zhang H, Merrett DC, Xiao XM, Zhang QC, Wei D, Wang LX, Ma XL, Zhu H, & Yang DY (2016) A Comparative Study of Oral Health in Three Late Bronze Age Populations with Different Subsistence Practices in North China. Quaternary International, 405, 44-57. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.05.029

Ø     Merrett D C, Zhang H, Xiao X, Zhang Q, Wei D, Wang L, Zhu H, & Yang DY (2016) Enamel Hypoplasia in Northeast China: Evidence from Houtaomuga. Quaternary International, 405, 11-21. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.06.004

Ø     Zhang H, Merrett D C, Jing Z, Tang J, He Y, Yue H, Yue Z, & Yang DY (2016) Osteoarchaeological Studies of Human Systemic Stress of Early Urbanization in Late Shang at Anyang, China. PLoS ONE, 11(4), e0151854. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151854.

Ø     Speller CF, & Yang DY (2016) Identifying the sex of archaeological turkey remains using ancient DNA techniques. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 10, 520-525. doi:

Ø     Moss M L, Rodrigues A T, Speller CF, & Yang DY (2016) The historical ecology of Pacific herring: Tracing Alaska Native use of a forage fish. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 8, 504-512. doi:

Ø     Halffman C M, Potter B A, McKinney H J, Finney B P, Rodrigues A T, Yang DY, & Kemp, B M (2015). Early human use of anadromous salmon in North America at 11,500 y ago. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(40), 12344-12348. 

Ø     Ames KM, Richards MP, Speller CF, Yang DY, Lyman RL, & Butler VL (2015). Stable isotope and ancient DNA analysis of dog remains from Cathlapotle (45CL1), a contact-era site on the Lower Columbia River. Journal of Archaeological Science, 57, 268-282. doi:

Ø     Speller CF, Kooyman B, Rodrigues A T, Langemann E G, Jobin R M, & Yang DY (2014). Assessing prehistoric genetic structure and diversity of North American elk (Cervus elaphus) populations in Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 92(4), 285-298. doi:10.1139/cjz-2013-0253


The Original 1998 Silica-spin Column Method Paper

1998     Yang DY, Eng E, Waye JS, Dudar JC, and Saunders SR (1998) "Improved DNA extractionn from ancient bones using silica- based spin columns." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 105 (4): 539-543.[PDF]


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