
Research Interests: First Nations Languages and Language Education


References to my work

Cited References

References to my research

Hack, J. and Mellow, J. D. (2007). A functional analysis of the acquisition of Oji-Cree (Severn Ojibwe). Papers of the 38th Algonquian Conference (pp. 273-288). Winnipeg: University of Manitoba.

Hadic Zabala, L. and Mellow, J. D. (2007, September). The acquisition of negation in Oji-Cree: A longitudinal case study. Paper presented at Summer School 'First Language Acquisition' 2007; Swiss Linguistics Society. Basel, Switzerland

Mellow, J. D. (2010a, May). Fostering diversity: Toward a non-colonialist approach to Indigenous language education. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual UBC Centre for Intercultural Language Studies Research Symposium. Vancouver, British Columbia. 

Mellow, J. D. (2010b). Fostering diversity and minimizing universals: Toward a non-colonialist approach to the acquisition of Algonquian languages. Native Studies Review, 19, 1, 67-100.

Mellow, J. D. (2008). The emergence of complex syntax: A longitudinal case study of the ESL development of dependency resolution. Lingua, 118, 4, 499-521. (Special issue comparing nativist and emergentist approaches to second language acquisition, guest-edited by Roger Hawkins.)

Mellow, J.D. (2006). The emergence of second language syntax: A case study of the acquisition of relative clauses. Applied Linguistics, 27, 645-670. (Special issue on language emergence, guest-edited by Nick Ellis and Diane Larsen-Freeman.)

Mellow, J. D. (2000). Western influences on indigenous language teaching. In J. Reyhner et al. (Eds.), Learn in Beauty: Indigenous Education for a New Century (pp. 102-113).  Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona University. Available on-line at: http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~jar/LIB/LIBconts.html

Mellow, J. D. (1992). A case study of rural second-language education: Barriers to adult settlement and education. In B. Burnaby and A. Cumming (Eds.), Socio-political Aspects of E.S.L. in Canada (pp. 292-303). Toronto: OISE Press.

Mellow, J. D. (1991). Integrating language and content in native language teaching. In W. Cowan. (Ed.), Papers of the Twenty-Second Algonquian Conference (pp. 203-212). Ottawa: Carleton University.

Mellow, J. D. (1990). Asymmetries between compounding and noun incorporation in Plains Cree. In W. Cowan. (Ed.), Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference (pp. 247-257). Ottawa: Carleton University.

Mellow, J. D. (1989a). A syntactic approach to noun incorporation in Cree. In W. Cowan. (Ed.), Actes du Vingtième Congrès des Algonquinistes (pp. 250-261). Ottawa: Carleton University.  

Mellow, J. D. (1989b). On triggers: A parameter setting approach to the acquisition of Cree, a free word order language. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics, 5, 2, 97-127.

Mellow, J. D., Desjarlais, L., Myers, M., Bergen, N., Hack, J., and Wiesemann, L. (2009, May). Assessing diversity: Measuring grammatical complexity in English, Anihshininiimowin and Tsilhqut’in. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual UBC Centre for Intercultural Language Studies Research Symposium -- Language Assessment: Policies, Practices and Challenges. Vancouver, British Columbia.

Mellow, J. D. and Hack. J. (2007, June). The first language acquisition of functions in Oji-Cree (Severn Ojibwe). Paper presented at the Conference of the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.