Assignment # 2


Topic: Interview on Beijing Bicycle

Due in the Tutorial of Week of June 7th, 2010

Value: 6 to 9 points

Grading criteria: 6 points maximum for written version; 9 points maximum for a video, in other words 3 bonus points.


You have now seen the movie the Beijing Bicycle. Your role is to interview the Mayor of Beijing and ask his comments on the movie using economic analysis that you have learned in class from the migration lecture. You may do this interview in two forms. You may write it out in a traditional question and answer motif or you may do a video. If it is a traditional question and answer routine your questions should focus on whether the mayor feels that this movie accurately portrays the contemporary migration scene in Beijing. Next you must ask the mayor if he feels that migration is a positive or negative force in the development process. Please ask the mayor for the reasons why he feels this way. Finally probe the mayor on what policies he would like to put into place to maximize the benefits from internal migration to Beijing.

To earn 3 bonus points you may video tape the interview with the mayor.