ECON 355


Final Exam


April, 1989


Instructor: Prof. D. DeVoretz

Dept. of Economics

Simon Fraser University



Instructions: Do both questions. You have three hours.


50 pts.


  1. There exist two schools of thought about poor countries participating in trade. One school argues that trade is an engine of growth and others have argued that trade will eventually retard the growth process. Carefully outline the necessary and sufficient conditions for trade to enhance growth using one or more countries as case studies. Next, indicate what the facts are for your country in this debate and explain why your country has succeeded or not in the trade arena.


50 pts.


  1. For your country describe how each one of the forces have affected the development process in the recent past i.e. last two decades:


    1. Demographic transition process
    2. Green revolution
    3. Internal migration


For all of the above categories outline with the aid of diagrams the theoretical arguments for how these processes will hasten development. Next, provide facts to support your view that one or more of these forces has/have been instrumental or detrimental in aiding development in your country. Note if you lack information on any one topic for your country you may quote examples from the textbook or lectures.