Sunday, July 12 7 P. M.
*1* OPENING CEREMONY =Chamisa Ballroom=
Earl Ingersoll SUNY College at Brockport
Conference Director
Art Bachrach Moby Dickens Bookshop of Taos
Site Director
Larry Gamache University of Ottawa President,
D. H. Lawrence Society of North America
Virginia Hyde Washington State University
Sandra Gilbert University of California, Davis
"The Afterlife of D. H. Lawrence"
Monday, July 13 8:30-9:45
*2* The Short Stories =Zuni=
Chair: Paul Lorenz University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Martin Kearney Southeastern Louisiana University
"Celtic Cycles Recycled in 'The Horse-Dealer's Daughter'"
Howard Booth University of Kent
"'Two Blue Birds': Lawrence and the Writing Life"
Adrienne Gavin Christ Church College, Canterbury
"Marginalization and Colonization: Literary Criticism of Lawrence's
Short Stories"
Monday, July 13 8:30-9:45
*3* Lawrence in the Classroom =Pinon=
Chair: Gary Adelman University of Illinois
Louis Greiff Albert University
"Movies and Novels"
Jay Gertzman Mansfield University
"Lawrence's Appeal to Today's Students"
Gary Adelman University of Illinois
"Getting Beyond the Sexual Philosophy"
Monday, July 13 8:30-9:45
*4* DHL and Others =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Nak-chung Paik Seoul National University
Lauren Proll Indiana University
"Buddenbrooks and Brangwens: Making the Family Chronicle New"
Jane Eblen Keller University of Baltimore
"Serpents in the Sagebrush: Lawrence and Georges Simenon"
Takeo Iida Kyoto University of Education
"Animism in _St. Mawr_, _The Escaped Cock_, and Rosalie Fry's _Child of the
Western Isles_"
Monday, July 13 10:15-11:30
*5* Philosophy, Religion, Astrology =Zuni=
Chair: Garry Watson University of Alberta
Paul Lorenz University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
"Lawrence the Heraclitean Traveler"
William Lockwood University of Michigan, Flint
"Thomas Merton's Assessment of Lawrence's Spirituality"
Jeff Meddle Independent Scholar
"Astrology and Apocalypse"
Monday, July 13 10:15-11.30
*6* News of the Cambridge Edition =Pinon=
Chair: Paul Eggert Australian Defence Force Academy
Andrew Brown Cambridge University Press
John Worthen University of Nottingham
Monday, July 13 10:15-11:30
*7* Lawrence Among the Americans =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Ezra Greenspan University of South Carolina
Richard Harris Webb Institute
"Lawrence and Willa Cather"
John Poynter SALIX
"New Frontiersmen: Lawrence and Sam Shepard"
Jenny Nelson University of North Carolina at Greensboro
"Gail Godwin at the Lawrentian Finishing School"
Monday, July 13 11:45-1:00
*8* Lawrence the Playwright =Zuni=
Chair: George Bahlke Hamilton College
Janice Oliver Southern University
"Language and Stage Imagery in _The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd_"
Nora Foster Stovel University of Alberta
"'American Rhythm' and the 'Woman Redeemer' in _Altitude_"
Monday, July 13 11:45-1:00
*9* American Literature =Pinon=
Chair: Martin Kearney Southeastern Louisiana University
David Callahan University of Aveiro, Portugal
"Lawrence, the Womb, and Cooper's _The Deerslayer_"
John Samson Texas Tech University
"Lawrence's Nietzschean Melville"
David Rothman Robinson Jeffers Association
"Lawrence, Jeffers, and the Poetry of the American Southwest"
Monday, July l3 11:45-1:00
*10* Editing Lawrence =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Charles L. Ross University of Hartford
Ezra Greenspan University of South Carolina
"Revising America"
Bethan Jones University of Nottingham
"Creating _Last Poems_"
Monday, July 13 2:30-3:50
*11* Mabel =Chamisa Ballroom=
Chair: Margaret Storch Framingham State College
Bruce Clarke Texas Tech University
"Mabel Dodge Luhan and the Lawrentian Aether"
Lois Palken Rudnick University of Massachusetts at Boston
"The Mabel Dodge Luhan House" (slide lecture)
Special Event 5:30 Reception at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House.
Lois Rudnick will also conduct tours of the House.
Tuesday, July 14 8:30-9:45
*12* Teaching Lawrence I =Zuni=
Chair: Elizabeth Sargent Western Oregon University
Garry Watson University of Alberta
"Overview: The New MLA Book on Teaching Lawrence"
Gordon Harvey Harvard University
"'Odour of Chrysanthemums' and the Freshman Essay"
Carol Siegel Washington State University, Vancouver
"Reading _Sons and Lovers_ Like Brothers and Sisters
in Sisters in the Feminist Classroom"
Theresa Thompson Valdosta State University
"Lawrence, Silko, and Southwestern Multiculturalism"
Charles L. Ross University of Hartford
"Teaching Lawrence Hypertextually"
Tuesday, July 14 8:30-9:45
*13* Love and Loving in _The Rainbow_ and _Women in Love_
Chair: Chong-Wha Chung Korea University
R. H. Albright Tufts University
"Subversive Codes for Wider Love and Tolerance in _The Rainbow_
and _Women in Love_"
Eric Levy University of British Columbia
"The Paradoxes of Love in _Women in Love_"
Darrell Elmore Florida Atlantic University
"Homoeroticism in Ken Russell's Film Adaptations
of _The Rainbow_ and _Women in Love_"
Tuesday, July 14 8:30-9:45
*14* A DHL Miscellany =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Masako Hirai Kobe College
Hugh Witemeyer University of New Mexico
"Lawrence and Modern Dance" (slide lecture)
Gavriel Ben-Ephraim Ariel College, Bar-Ilan University
"Death as Cosmic Discourse in _Sons and Lovers_"
Jill Franks Austin Peay State University
"Odysseus and Quetzalcoatl"
Tuesday, July 14 10:15-11:30
*15* Lawrence Among the Painters =Zuni=
Chair: Jack Stewart University of British Columbia
Bonnie Grad Clark University
"Georgia O'Keeffe's Lawrentian Vision" (slide lecture)
Keith Cushman University of North Carolina at Greensboro
"Lawrence and Knud Merrild: New Materials, New Perspectives"
(slide lecture)
Barbara Miliaras University of Massachusetts at Lowell
"_The Plumed Serpent_ and Rivera's Quetzalcoatl Murals" (slide
Tuesday, July 14 10:15-11:30
*16* The Spirit of Place =Pinon=
Chair: Nora Foster Stovel University of Alberta
Laurence Steven Laurentian University
"Revising 'The Spirit of Place'"
Michele Potter University of New Mexico/Taos
"The Pines: An Eco-Critical Approach"
Lynn K. Talbot Roanoke College
"The Lawrences' Mexico--Then and Now" (slide lecture)
Tuesday, July 14 10:15-11:30
*17* The Lawrentian Orbit =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Sheila Lahiri Choudhury Jadavpur University
Carole Schuyler Auburn University
"Sibyling Rivalry: Lawrence and Mabel Dodge Luhan"
John Nause Yarmouth Consolidated High School
"Lawrence: Canadian Connections"
C. Lok Chua California State-Fresno
"The Snake in Lawrence and Camara Laye"
Tuesday, July 14 11:45-1:00
*18* _The Plumed Serpent_ =Zuni=
Chair: Bruce Clarke Texas Tech University
George Bahlke Hamilton College
"The Perils of Primitivism"
Carrie Rohman Indiana University
"The Discourse of Animality"
Sheila Lahiri Choudhury Jadavpur University
"A Third-World Response"
Tuesday, July 14 11:45-1:00
*l9* Colonial Attitudes, Orientalist Assumptions =Pinon=
Chair: Judith Ruderman Duke University
James Phelps University of Zululand
"Lawrence and the Colonial"
Rebecca Carpenter Western Maryland
"Lawrence _vs._ Joyce: Imagining the Oriental"
Paul Eggert Australian Defence Force Academy
"Lawrence, Travel-Writing, C. S. Peirce, and Orientalism"
Tuesday, July 14 2:00-2:30 and 4:30-5:00
*20* David Barnes Washington State University =Pinon=
"Using the Internet for Literary Scholarship" [demonstration]
Special Event 2:00-5:00 Tour of the Kiowa Ranch,
transportation courtesy of the University of New Mexico
Special Event 7:00-9:00 Reception at the Hotel La Fonda,
featuring exhibition of Lawrence paintings
Wednesday, July 15 8:30-9:45
*21* Englishness and Otherness =Zuni=
Chair: Susan MacNiven SUNY-Maritime College
Judith Ruderman Duke University
"'An Englishman at Heart': Lawrence and the National Identity Debate"
Louise Harrison Boston University
"English Identity in _Lady Chatterley's Lover_"
Eleanor Green Ohio Northern University
"The `Non-Western' Psyche in _Heart of Darkness_ and
_The Plumed Serpent_"
Wednesday, July 15 8:30-9:45
*22* Biographical Questions and Answers =Pinon=
Chair: Stephany Borges Cornelia Connelly School
A. Banerjee Kobe Jogakuin University
"Lawrence as His Taos Contemporaries Knew Him"
Stefania Michelucci University of Genoa
"The Peasants of the Villa Mirenda"
Ray Caffrey Independent Scholar
"Lawrence's Impotence and Frieda's Affair with Angelo Ravagli"
Wednesday, July 15 8:30-9:45
*23* New Mexico =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Nicole Tartera University of Paris-North
Richard Victor Saddleback College
"Landscape in _St. Mawr_: Unifying Real and Imagined Worlds"
Alan Williamson University of California, Davis
"Lawrence and Native American Spirituality"
W. K. Buckley Indiana University Northwest
"Millennium [Read]ing of Lawrence's Utopia"
Wednesday, July 15 10:15-11:30
*24* Lacanian Lawrence =Zuni=
Chair: Jacqueline Gouirand University of Lyon-II
Luba Slabyj University of Alberta
"Will Brangwen and the Lacanian Sublime"
Gena Chandler University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Lacanian Musings on _Sons and Lovers_ and _Lady Chatterley's Lover_"
Ben Stoltzfus University of California, Riverside
"'The Man Who Loved Islands': A Lacanian Reading"
Wednesday, July 15 10:15-11:30
*25* Later Lawrence =Pinon=
Chair: Michael Squires Virginia Tech
Ginette Katz-Roy University of Paris X-Nanterre
"Deconstructing Myth in _Lady Chatterley's Lover_"
Masako Hirai Kobe College
"Lawrentian Time and Typology in _The Man Who Died_"
Ellen Mahon Iona College
"_Last Poems_: Lawrence's Long Journey to Oblivion"
Wednesday, July 15 10:15-11:30
*26* Contemporary Lawrence =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Ben Stoltzfus University of California, Riverside
Michael Bell University of Warwick
"Lawrence and the Present"
Gary Adelman University of Illinois
"The Response of Contemporary Novelists to Lawrence"
Sungho Kim SUNY-Buffalo
"The Unspeakable Democracy?: Schleiermacher, Lawrence, and Derrida"
Wednesday, July 15 11:45-1:00
*27* 20s Lawrence =Zuni=
Chair: Ginette Katz-Roy University of Paris X-Nanterre
Louise E. Wright Community College of Philadelphia
"The Death of Maurice Magnus"
Robert Darroch D. H. Lawrence Society of Australia
"Lawrence's Response to the New Worlds of Ceylon and Australia"
Margaret Storch Framingham State College
"_The Boy in the Bush_ in America"
Wednesday, July l5 11:45-1:00
*28* Mixed Lawrentian Salad =Pinon=
Chair: Jonathan Bolton, Auburn University
Antonella Piazza Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples
"Lawrence's Italy: A Journey Through Myth and History"
Courtney M. Carter Hood College
"The Emperor's New Criticism: Lawrence _vs._ Saussure"
Paul Delany Simon Fraser University
"'Virgin Soil': Lawrence and the American Literary Market"
Wednesday, July 15 1:15-3:15
Special Event l:l5-3:l5 Trip to Arroyo Seco, transportation
courtesy of University of New Mexico. Note: This trip involves
a strenuous walk over difficult terrain.
Wednesday, July 15 3:45-5:00
*29* Plenary Panel: "_Quetzalcoatl_ (_The Plumed Serpent_):
Two Novels by D. H. Lawrence" =Chamisa Ballroom=
Chair: Louis L. Martz Yale University
Virginia Hyde Washington State University
"Myth and Multiculturalism in _Quetzalcoatl_ and _The Plumed Serpent_"
Louis L. Martz Yale University
"Cooper, The Spirit of Place, and _Quetzalcoatl_"
H. M. Daleski Hebrew University of Jerusalem
"_Quetzalcoatl_: When Less Is More"
L. D. Clark, respondent University of Arizona
Special Event 8:00 Conference production of _I Rise in Flame, Cried
the Phoenix_ by Tennessee Williams. Reception to follow at the
Harwood Museum, sponsored by the University of New Mexico.
Thursday, July 16 8:30-9:45
*30* _Vive la France!_ =Zuni=
Chair: Carol Siegel Washington State University, Vancouver
Jacqueline Gouirand University of Lyon-II
"_Lady Chatterley_ Through the Lens of Barthes and Kristeva"
Maria Aline Seabra Ferreira University of Aveiro, Portugal
"Lawrence and Cixous"
Michael Kramp Washington State University
"Lawrence, _L'ecriture feminine_, and the Deleuzian 'Stutter'"
Thursday, July 16 8:30-9:45
*31* Rainbows, Phoenixes, Foxes =Pinon=
Chair: Carol Peirce University of Baltimore
Brenda Bryant Delgado Community College
"The Rainbow Image Reconsidered"
Fereshteh Zangenehpour University of Goteborg
"The Fabulous _Simurgh_ and the Phoenix Quest"
Hiro Tateishi Nihon University, Tokyo
"Reading _The Fox_"
Thursday, July 16 8:30-9:45
*32* The Absolute Necessity to Move =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Courtney M. Carter Hood College
Jack Stewart University of British Columbia
"Reassessing Lawrence's Travel-Writing"
Jonathan Bolton Auburn University
"Lorenzo Incognito: Lawrence's Travels in Italy"
Mara Kalnins University of Cambridge
"Play and Carnival in _Sea and Sardinia_"
Thursday, July 16 10:15-11:30
*33* Lawrence the Poet =Zuni=
Chair: Maria Aline Seabra Ferreira University of Aveiro, Portugal
Linda Karch Norwich University
"The Sensuous, Philosophic Poetry of D. H. Lawrence"
Holly Laird University of Tulsa
"Remembrance as Expenditure in _Amores_"
A. Shameem Choudhury Delgado Community College
"Oppositions and Reconciliations in `Rainbow'"
Thursday, July 16 10:15-11:30
*34* The Body and the Body Politic =Pinon=
Chair: Virginia Hyde Washington State University
Carol Siegel Washington State University, Vancouver
"Resisting Erotophobia: Lawrence's Revitalization of Love"
Patti VerStrat Washington State University
"Colonial Disease in _The Plumed Serpent_"
Bryce Campbell Washington State University
"Holographic Spaces in _The Plumed Serpent_"
Thursday, July 16 10:15-11:30
*35* Teaching Lawrence II =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Barnard Turner National University of Singapore
Sally Jacobsen Northern Kentucky University
"Student Responses to _Sons and Lovers_"
Nick Ceramella I. Newton School, Rome
"Lawrence as Teacher/Teaching Lawrence"
Pamela Caughie Loyola University of Chicago
"Teaching `The Woman Who Rode Away'"
Thursday, July 16 11:45-1:00
*36* Plenary Panel: Old Worlds and New =Chamisa Ballroom=
Chair: Keith Cushman University of North Carolina at Greensboro
James C. Cowan University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Psychoanalytic Approaches"
H. M. Daleski Hebrew University of Jerusalem
"Looking Back at Leavis"
Mark Spilka Brown University
"Defending the Normative Lawrence"
L. D. Clark University of Arizona
"Lawrence as Mythographer"
Thursday, July 16 3:45-5:00
*37* Plenary Lectures =Chamisa Ballroom=
Chair: Ian MacNiven SUNY-Maritime College
Michael Squires Virginia Tech
"Lawrence and the Calculus of Change"
John Worthen University of Nottingham
"Lawrence's Theatre of the Southwest"
Special Event 7:00 Opening of exhibition--"The Art of Lawrence's
Women: Brett/Frieda/Mabel" at the Millicent Rogers Museum.
Thursday, July l6 7:45-8:l5
*38* Special Presentation by the D.H. Lawrence
Society of North America
=Millicent Rogers Museum=
Chair: Larry Gamache, President
Reception to follow.
Friday, July 17 8:30-9:45
*39* Theorizing Lawrence =Zuni=
Chair: Carl Behm Towson University
Doo-Sun Ryu Hong Ik University, Seoul
"Lawrence, Bakhtin, and the Theory of the Novel"
Joan Peters University of Hawaii
"The Dialogic Function of Women's Discourse"
Laurie McCollum University of North Carolina at Greensboro
"Ritual Sacrifice in 'The Woman Who Rode Away': A Girardian Reading"
Friday, July 17 8:30-9:45
*40* _Kangaroo_ =Pinon=
Chair: Robert Darroch D. H. Lawrence Society of Australia
Sandra Darroch D. H. Lawrence Society of Australia
"Lawrence in Western Australia"
Neil Roberts University of Sheffield
"_Kangaroo_ and the Narrative of Contingency"
Barnard Turner National University of Singapore
"The Prefiguration of America in _Kangaroo_"
Friday, July 17 8:30-9:45
*41* The Leadership Novels =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Arthur Efron SUNY-Buffalo
Michael Ballin Wilfrid Laurier University
"Love and Power in _Aaron's Rod_"
Stephany Borges Cornelia Connelly School
"_Aaron's Rod_: Seeking Illusive Selves"
Nicole Tartera University of Paris-North
"The Cultural Context of _The Plumed Serpent_"
Friday, July 17 10:15-11:30
*42* Novel Matters =Zuni=
Chair: Gavriel Ben-Ephraim Ariel College, Bar-Ilan University
Elizabeth Fox Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
"Swoons of Submission and the Psychotic Core in _Sons and Lovers_"
Feisal Mohamed University of Ottawa
"The Mating Habits of the Sons of God and the Men of Quetzalcoatl"
Kay Kondo Tokyo Suisan University
"_Women in Love_ and the Question of Metaphor"
Friday, July 17 10:15-11:30
*43* Politics and Ideology =Pinon=
Chair: Neil Roberts University of Sheffield
Garry Watson University of Alberta
"Toward a Revolution in Thought and Ethics"
Carl Behm Towson University
"Shooting from the Hip: Lawrence's Political Experiments"
Arthur Efron SUNY-Buffalo
"Lawrence, John Dewey, and Democracy"
Friday, July 17 10:15-11:30
*44* Places of the Imagination =Comfort Suites=
Chair: Langdon Elsbree Claremont McKenna College
Alison Lewis American Philosophical Society
"The Mystical Confluence of New Worlds and Old"
James Gallant Elms College
"Images of the New World in _The Fox_"
Carol Peirce University of Baltimore
"Landscapes of the Heart in Durrell and Lawrence"
Friday, July 17 10:15-11:30
*45* Assorted Articles =Chamisa Ballroom=
Chair: Eleanor Green Ohio Northern University
Adriana Corrado Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples
"Lawrence and William Morris"
Christopher Joyce University of Surrey
"Revisiting Leavis, Murry, _et al._"
Philip Skelton University of Nottingham
"Toward an Un-Lawrentian Lawrence: Rhetorical and Political
Friday, July 17 2:00-3:15
*46* Plenary Panel: "The Battle of the Atlantic: English and
American Lawrence Studies"
=Chamisa Ballroom=
Chair: Paul Delany
Elizabeth Sargent
Michael Squires
Michael Bell
John Worthen
Friday, July 17 3:30-4:30
*47* Concluding Roundtable: "The Future of Lawrence Studies"
=Chamisa Ballroom=
Chair: Jack Stewart
James C. Cowan
Ginette Katz-Roy
Judith Ruderman
Special Event 7:00 Fiesta at the Sagebrush Inn
****An exhibit of Lawrence books published by the Cambridge
University Press will be on display throughout the conference
in the Ristra Room.****
****Please participate in the "silent auction" of Lawrence books.
The proceeds will fund an award for the outstanding student
paper presented at the conference.****
Earl Ingersoll, Conference Director; Keith Cushman, Associate Director;
Art Bachrach, Site Director; Debra Holte, Associate Site Director;
David Farmer, Conference Treasurer
THANKS: Support for this conference was provided by the University of
New Mexico; the State University of New York, College at Brockport;
the D. H. Lawrence Society of North America. Thanks to Paul Delany
for creating the conference website.