JAGS is available for Macintosh, Windoze, and Linux platforms.
Most people use R to use JAGS and so R and Rstudio should be installed on your machine as outlined elsewhere on this page.
To test that the installation is working on a Macintosh, open a Terminal window, and simply type jags
If you get a message similar to
Welcome to JAGS 4.x.x on Tue Feb 10 20:35:14 2015
then you are ok.
A brief introduction is available at https://rpubs.com/YaRrr/SweaveIntro
LaTeX is available for Macintosh, Windoze, and Linux platforms.
Download the LaTeX program from:
A Quatro script mixes R code and text to create a living document. Great for reproducible research and breaking the copy-and-paste paradigm when using MSWord. Visit the Quatro installation page for details.
If you are running Windoze, you should delete any earlier versions of R from previous installations. If you running a Macintosh, newer versions of R automatically overwrite older versions of R
Here are instruction for Windoze and Macintosh machines. If you have a Unix machine that is not a Macintosh, the instructions will be similar to that from the Macintosh.
Many corporate and goernment environments "lockdown" computers so users cannot install packages following
the step above.
Here are instruction on
how to install packages when you do not have administrative access to your Windoze
You can install ALL of the above packages by copying and pasting the following into the R console once
you open RStudio
package.set <- c("AICcmodavg","arm", "binom", "boot", "car", 'data.table', "devtools",'dplyr', "emmeans", "EnvStats", "GGally", "ggplot2", "ggforce", "ggmap", "ggfortify", "gplots", "gmodels", "gridExtra", "hms", "Kendall", "knitr", "lme4", "lmerTest", "lmtest", "lubridate", "multcomp", "multcompView", "nlme", "plyr", "pwr", "randtests", "readxl", "reshape2", "rkt", "sf", 'sp', "spData", "SiZer", "survey", 'tidyverse', "trend") install.packages(package.set)
You are now ready to use R and Rstudio. There are many useful on-line manuals on the R site along with much contributed documentation.
CodeSchool has a brief introduction to R that is useful.
The short reference card here is also useful
The MARK program consists of two separate parts -- the user graphical interface which uses Windoze application program interfaces (API) and so can run only under Windoze, and an optimization engine which then actually the model and returns the results to the interface. RMark call the optimization engine only. Consequently, with some work, it is possible to install only the optimiztion engine on the Macintosh and run RMark natively on a Macintosh without the need for a virtualization engine such as VirtualBox.
The following instructions were created by Simon Bonner and follow the thread at Installing MARK on a Macintosh
had to change my shell to zsh before running Bonner's scripts
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew install gcc
brew tap sjbonner/tap
brew install mark-on-mac
which mark