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This is a PAUP readable file- MacClade is unable to use respectcase, otherwise the options should work fine in MacClade.
#NEXUS [! CO1 Data][Comments in brackets are ignored by PAUP, the '!' next to the left bracket makes the comment visible when the file is executed by PAUP ] begin data; dimensions ntax=6 nchar=36 [If you do not know the number of characters, use a very large number here, place a '@' as the last character of the last taxon, execute the file, and PAUP will generate an error message of one more than the actual number of characters]; FORMAT MISSING=N respectcase [Enclose the "equate... =N" in brackets and re-execute file to produce data matrix in PAUP] equate="a=N" equate="c=N" equate=".=N" equate="n=N" equate="g=N" equate="t=N" equate="I=N" [equate="A=R" equate="G=R" equate="T=Y" equate="C=Y" ][Allows Transversion Parsimony] SYMBOLS="ACGTacgtI" INTERLEAVE [Don't interleave if using a PIR file or a PHYLIP sequential file] GAP=-; OPTIONS [IGNOR=INVAR (this option is not available to ver 4- use exclude constant instead)]; matrix DROMTTGNC TACTACCCTGCTCTTTCT TTATTATTAGTAAGAAGA Dros TACTATCCTGCTCTTTCT TTATTATTAGTAAGAAGA YMU09206 TATTATCCATCCTTAACa cTATTAATTTCTAGAAGA LUCMTPIEA TTTTATCCTGCATTAACT TTACTATtagtaagtagt [lower case ignored if using the respectcase format] MSQNCATR TATTACCCCTCTTTAACT CTTCTAATTTCTAGAAGT Apis TACTTTCCCTCATTATTT ATACTTTTATTAAGAAAT ; end; begin assumptions; charset begin = 1-5; [Characters sets (for excluding/including etc). This one is named 'begin'] charset various = 8 10 13-16; charset first = 1-36\3; [For amino-acid coding, every third base] charset second = 2-36\3; charset third = 3-36\3; taxset one = 1 3 5; [Taxa sets, note taxa may be referred to by number or name] taxset Diptera = DROMTTGNC LUCMTPIEA MSQNCATR Dros; end; begin PAUP; outgroup Apis; [Automatically roots trees at Apis instead of the first taxon when file is executed] delete DROMTTGNC ; [Automatically excludes taxa or taxa sets] exclude constant various third ; [Automatically excludes characters or character sets] constraints both_genera = ((Dros,DROMTTGNC),(LUCMTPIEA, MSQNCATR)); [Constraint tree, only enforced when ticked in the search box] end; begin trees; uTREE both_genera = (((2,3),6),(4,5)) [Places tree in memory upon execution]; end; set warnreset=no autoclose=yes; [exclude missambig; ] [This is for PAUP*] [set crit=parsimony; [This is for PAUP*]] hsearch; describe all; ;
This page is maintained by Dave Carmean with an eye towards speed and clarity, and last modified 13 May 1996. Comments or suggestions are welcomed!