San Diego State University
Distance Education Policy
For the purposes of this policy, distance education is defined as a formal
educational process in which the majority of the instructional interaction
occurs when student and instructor are not in the same place. Instruction
may be synchronous or asynchronous.* Distance education may include
correspondence, audio, video, or computer technologies. This policy shall
apply to all credit-bearing courses and programs offered through distance
education by San Diego State University, including those offered as Special
Sessions through the College of Extended Studies.
The following guidelines shall apply to new distance education courses and
programs, as well as to existing courses and programs in which the method
of delivery has changed significantly from that approved in the original
curriculum proposal leading to that course, certificate or degree.
Any department or faculty group offering distance education programs (those
in which more than half of the courses are offered through distance education)
is expected to meet Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
requirements and be guided by policy established by the University. In addition,
a department or faculty group is expected to address, in its self-studies
and/or proposals for institutional change, the following expectations, which
will be reviewed by the University and perhaps by the regional accrediting
The following basic principles have been articulated:
While the University prizes academic freedom and wishes to encourage innovation
in instruction, the faculty also has a collective responsibility to ensure
the academic quality and integrity of the Universitys courses, programs,
and degrees. This responsibility extends to those courses and programs offered
through distance education.
Faculty and students have a right to know the modes of delivery and technological
requirements of each course, program, and degree offered by the University.
Students shall have access to this information before enrolling in a course
or program.
Distance education programs and courses shall be consistent with the educational
mission of the College and the University.
Tenured or probationary faculty shall direct any culminating experience or
capstone of a distance education program.
Each program shall provide the opportunity for substantial, personal, and
timely interactions between faculty and students and among students.
The proportion of tenured and probationary faculty teaching in a distance
education program shall approximate that of the campus-based program.
Admissions criteria shall be comparable for students on and off campus.
Financial plans for program delivery and student participation shall be
Students shall have adequate access to library and student services.
The university shall offer appropriate training and support services to faculty
who teach distance education courses and programs.
Distance education is an optional mode of instruction. Nothing in this policy
shall imply that distance education is a preferred or required mode of
These eleven principles shall be applied in the following ways:
Curriculum and Instruction:
In the curricular review process, distance education programs shall demonstrate
that they provide the opportunity for substantial, personal, and timely
interactions between faculty and students and among students.
One-on-one mentoring with a tenured or probationary SDSU faculty member
associated with the program is required for a graduate culminating experience.
The faculty of the program assumes responsibility for and exercises oversight
over a distance education program, ensuring both the rigor of the courses
and program and the quality of instruction.* This includes:
The selection and evaluation of formally approved adjunct and/or part-time
Maintaining approximately the same ratio of tenured/probationary faculty
to adjunct and/or part-time faculty in the distance learning program as in
the campus-based program.
Ensuring that the technology used suits the nature and objectives of the
courses and program.*
Ensuring the currency of materials, courses, and program.*
Ensuring the integrity of student work and the credibility of the degrees
and credits the University awards.* It is the responsibility of
the faculty to ensure that reasonable safeguards are in place to prevent
academic dishonesty.
Ownership of materials, faculty compensation, copyright issues, and the
utilization of revenue derived from the creation and production of software,
telecourses, or other media products shall be agreed upon by the faculty
and the University (in accordance with the SDSU Intellectual Property Policy)
prior to the initial offering of a course or program.
No individual, program, or department shall agree in a contract with any
private or public entity to deliver distance education courses or programs
on behalf of SDSU without prior university approval from the Office of Graduate
and Research Affairs.
The university shall not agree in a contract with any private or public entity
to deliver distance education courses or programs without the prior approval
of the relevant department or program.
Agencies providing funding for special certificates or degree programs or
courses shall not acquire any privileges regarding the admission standards,
academic continuation standards or degree requirements for students or faculty
attached to a university-approved academic program.
Evaluation and Assessment:
The Graduate Council Curriculum Committee or the Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee shall review all distance education courses and programs, even
if the curriculum is largely derived from existing campus-based courses or
programs. When distance education proposals are to be considered by either
committee, it shall be expanded to include three non-voting, ex-officio experts
in distance education selected by the Committee on Committees: one from the
faculty, one from the instructional technology staff, and one from the
administration. Distance education programs shall also be reviewed by those
committees charged by policy with curricular program review.
The method of delivery for new courses and programs shall become part of
each curriculum proposal, to be reviewed under the normal curricular process.
Any significant change in the method of delivery for existing courses or
programs shall be submitted as a course change proposal, to be reviewed by
the Graduate Council Curriculum Committee or the Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee. When such a proposal is to be considered by either committee,
it shall be expanded in the way described above under 2.a.
The Academic Review process shall be used to evaluate the educational
effectiveness of distance education courses and programs (including assessments
of student based learning outcomes, student retention, and student satisfaction),
and when appropriate, determine comparability to campus-based programs.*
This process shall also be used to assure the conformity of distance
education courses and programs to prevailing quality standards in the field
of distance education.
A review and approval of all distance education courses and programs, including
those initially approved by their colleges, shall begin immediately and conclude
within two years of the implementation of this policy. This review shall
follow the normal process specified in the policy file.
Library and Learning Resources:
The program administrators shall provide evidence in the curricular proposal
Students have adequate access to and support in the use of appropriate library
Students have access to laboratories, facilities, and equipment appropriate
to the courses or programs.*
Student Services and Admissions:
The program administrators shall provide evidence in the curricular proposal
Students are provided adequate access to the range of student services
appropriate to support the program, including admissions, financial aid,
academic advising, delivery of course materials, and placement and
Students are provided with an adequate means for resolving student
Students are provided advertising, recruiting and admissions information
that adequately and accurately represents the program's requirements and
Students who are admitted possess the knowledge and equipment necessary to
use the technology employed by the program;* and
Technical advice is available to students to resolve hardware and software
Facilities and Finances:
The program administrators shall provide evidence in the curricular proposal
University standards are followed in setting course-loads per instructor
and/or academic unit.
The program or department possesses or has access to the equipment and technical
expertise required to deliver distance education courses and
The long-range planning, budgeting, and policy development processes reflect
the facilities, staffing, equipment and other resources essential to the
viability and effectiveness of the distance education course or
Any distance education program has received resource approval prior to commencing
* The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) has developed guidelines
for distance education. The guidelines are an extension of the Principles
developed by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. The
SDSU policy outlined above reflects many of the WASC guidelines set forth
as of 03/08/00. The language used in the WASC guidelines has been incorporated
into this policy, when deemed appropriate, but has been adapted to reflect
conditions at this University. For the text of the WASC guidelines, please
refer to the WWW site of the WASC at <>