Episode 18: Negar Roghanian, PhD Candidate, Civil Engineering

December 19, 2017

In this interview, Negar Roghanian tells us all about her life as a PhD student in Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia. You'll hear about Negar's work producing a coating material that extends the life span of concrete pipes, her journey from her home country of Iran to Canada, and her passion for creating sustainable, eco-friendly materials that will support infrastructure for decades to come.

Guest: Negar Roghanian (LinkedIn)

Negar Roghanian is a research assistant and PhD candidate at the SIERA (sustainable infrastructure research) group at UBC as part of the department of Civil engineering. Her research focuses on developing sustainable coating for rehabilitation of corroded pipes. She received her BSc and MSc degrees in Civil engineering from Shiraz University, Iran in 2004 and 2008 respectively. She has around 10 years of work experience as a civil engineer in industry and R&D both in Iran and Canada as well as a researcher and sessional instructor at BCIT, UBC and Nanyang technological university of Singapore.

Click here for full transcription of this episode.



Hosted by: Danniele Livengood (@livengood)
Theme Music: “Positive and Fun” by Scott Holmes
Produced by: Vanessa Reich-Shackelford