Release Notes for Sencha Touch 1.0.1a

Release Notes: December 9, 2010
Version Number: 1.0.1a

Download Sencha Touch 1.0.1a

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 1.0.1

Release Notes: November 24, 2010
Version Number: 1.0.1

New In This Release

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 1.0

Release Notes: November 15, 2010
Version Number: 1.0

This release forms the first stable release of Sencha Touch.

New In This Release

Release Notes for Sencha Touch RC1

Release Notes: November 8, 2010
Version Number: 1.0RC1

This release forms the first Release Candidate for Sencha Touch. We expect this release to comprise the final set of API changes before Sencha Touch 1.0 (see the API Changes section below).

New In This Release

API Changes

All of the xtypes and class names that were modified in this release have been aliased back to the original name, so your code will continue to function. We strongly recommend updating your application code to reference the new names because the aliases will be removed when Sencha Touch 1.0 is released.

In general, all form field class names omit the Field suffix (e.g. Ext.form.Text instead of Ext.form.TextField). The 'Field' suffix is considered redundant due to already being within the Ext.form.* namespace. All field xtypes now contain the 'field' suffix as xtypes are not otherwise namespaced.

Known Issues

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 0.99

Release Notes: November 3, 2010
Version Number: 0.99

Sencha Touch 0.99 has massively improved form and scroller support for all Android devices, as well as a number of bug fixes for all platforms.

With our first Release Candidate imminent, Sencha Touch 0.99 contains a number of API changes intended to make the API clearer and more consistent. We expect this to be the only time we undertake changes of this magnitude and have tried to make this as painless as possible by taking the following steps:

Version 1.0 of Sencha Touch will ship without the fallbacks to new functions so we encourage you to update your applications so that there are no logged warnings before that point.

New In This Release

API Changes

Known Issues

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 0.98

Release Notes: October 26, 2010
Version Number: 0.98

New In This Release

Known Issues

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 0.97

Release Notes: October 13, 2010
Version Number: 0.97

New In This Release

Known Issues

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 0.96

Release Notes: September 30, 2010
Version Number: 0.96

New In This Release

Known Issues

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 0.95

Release Notes: September 14, 2010
Version Number: 0.95

New In This Release

Known Issues

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 0.94

Release Notes: September 8, 2010
Version Number: 0.94

New In This Release

This release focused on refactoring sass, layouts and our component lifecycle.

Known Issues & Recommendations

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 0.93

Release Notes: August 2, 2010
Version Number: 0.93

New In This Release

This release focused on bug-fixes and the Carousel.

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 0.92

Release Notes: July 26, 2010
Version Number: 0.92

New In This Release

This release focused on List, DataPanel, Carousel, layouts and general bug-fixing.

Known Issues & Recommendations

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 0.91

Release Notes: June 30, 2010
Version Number: 0.91

New In This Release

This release focused on refactoring, simplifying and bug-fixing. We have managed to fix many bugs thanks to the feedback and reports on our forums would like to thank everyone for their comments.

Known Issues & Recommendations

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 0.90

Release Notes: June 17, 2010
Version Number: 0.90

New In This Release

Welcome to the very first public beta release of Sencha Touch. We’re incredibly excited for you to see what we’ve been working on and to get your feedback and comments on what we’ve built!

Overview of the Product

Sencha Touch is a Javascript framework for developers creating applications targeted for touch-interface devices such as the Apple iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android. It lets you create an elegant, consistent user experience with minimal effort, with the skills and tools you already have. It makes extensive use of technologies from HTML5 and CSS3 to provide a native-quality application experience without the use of plugins. Please view the included API documentation and the demo source code for working examples of Sencha Touch applications.

Known Issues & Recommendations