Exchange Course Equivalency Catalogue


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For Business courses, refer to the Beedie Course Planning Database for equivalencies; evaluations are not stored in this system. 

Notes for Using this Catalogue:

  1. You may take courses beyond those listed below, which only reflect past student course approvals. Check partner institution directly for full offerings per term. 
  2. Some courses may align with multiple subject at SFU. The information below indicates past assessments.
  3. Access to courses at SFU's partner institutions is determined by the partner and is subject to change. A course equivalency does not guarantee offering per term or access.
  4. SFU units/credits for each course is not posted. Refer to the 'exchange credit ratio' listed in the exchange profile to view how the credit equivalencies.
  5. Course name and/or number changes require a new evaluation request, and the previous equivalency becomes invalid.
  6. International Studies students should contact their academic advisor to ensure that the course counts towards their stream.

Nominated/Returned Students: Exchange course pre-evaluated?

  • Log in to the Study Abroad System and look for a match in the Exchange Course Evaluations tab.
  • If you find an exact match to a course you have taken abroad on exchange, select “+ Add” to have it added to your Course Request list for approval. 

Click and begin typing to initiate search

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 Items 1-20 of 1591
| Next Page  
Local Course Foreign Course Eligible Programs
Sciences Po
Sciences Po
Sciences Po
Nanyang Technological University
University of Stirling
University of Stirling
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
University of Leicester
University of Leicester
University of Glasgow
Lund University (Business)
Lund University
University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow
University of Stirling
University of the South Pacific
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Korea University
Korea University (Business)
Queensland University of Technology
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
 Items 1-20 of 1591 | Next Page