Roadmap to Summer 2025
Your undergraduate journey at SFU starts here!
Refer to this timeline to navigate important dates, activities, and events that you won't want to miss between now and your first day of classes in May.
University Prep 1
- Complete University Prep, Step 1 course to prepare for your transition to SFU. Learn about our academic culture to help set you up for success, the range of supports and services available to SFU students, and more.
Get ready to enrol
- An email will be sent to your non-SFU email address indicating that your SFU computing ID is ready for activation. You will need to activate your SFU computing ID to register for classes.
University Prep 2
- Complete University Prep, Step 2 to prepare for enrolment and learn how to build a balanced schedule, choose classes using goSFU, and connect with an advisor.
Enrol and submit final documents
- Enrol in courses for Summer term, Intersession, or Summer Session.
- Deadline to submit final documents for admission.
Learn how to find your people and get involved
- Complete SFU 101 to learn all the information needed to start your first term at SFU successfully!
Get SFU-ready
- Attend Welcome Day.
- Participate in Month of Welcome.
- Pay your tuition and fees, and get ready for your classes.
We're excited to welcome you to the SFU community! We've put together many valuable resources, programs, and events designed to ease your transition to university. Use our roadmap to guide you through your next steps as a new SFU student.
Roadmap to Summer 2025
Your undergraduate journey at SFU starts here!
Refer to this timeline to navigate important dates, activities, and events that you won't want to miss between now and your first day of classes in May.
University Prep 1
- Complete University Prep, Step 1 course to prepare for your transition to SFU. Learn about our academic culture to help set you up for success, the range of supports and services available to SFU students, and more.
Get ready to enrol
- An email will be sent to your non-SFU email address indicating that your SFU computing ID is ready for activation. You will need to activate your SFU computing ID to register for classes.
University Prep 2
- Complete University Prep, Step 2 to prepare for enrolment and learn how to build a balanced schedule, choose classes using goSFU, and connect with an advisor.
Enrol and submit final documents
- Enrol in courses for Summer term, Intersession, or Summer Session.
- Deadline to submit final documents for admission.
Learn how to find your people and get involved
- Complete SFU 101 to learn all the information needed to start your first term at SFU successfully!
Get SFU-ready
- Attend Welcome Day.
- Participate in Month of Welcome.
- Pay your tuition and fees, and get ready for your classes.
Keep studying! Your final grades matter
Whether you're Canadian or international student currently in high school or transferring from a college or university, your grades still matter. We review all conditional offers of admission upon receipt of your final grades – so keep studying!
Keep studying! Your final grades matter
Whether you're Canadian or international student currently in high school or transferring from a college or university, your grades still matter. We review all conditional offers of admission upon receipt of your final grades – so keep studying!
Activate your SFU computing ID & MFA
Once you accept your offer of admission and pay your deposit, you'll receive an email to your non-SFU email address saying that your SFU computing ID is ready to be activated. You'll be required to secure your account by setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
Plan your student finances
Use our calculator to estimate your education and living costs per term to help you come up with a sensible budget. Also learn what you can do to help fund your undergraduate studies through work opportunities and financial aid resources.
Plan your degree and manage your courses
Mindful academic planning is the key to successful degree completion. Learn to manage your course load each term while balancing your studies with other aspects of student life, and connect with the right advisors for your needs.