Behavioural Neuroscience

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

For more information, visit the Department of Psychology website.

Explore Your Possibilities

According to Workopolis, almost one third of Canadians have 5 to 10 different jobs in one career, and one in every four has more than 10 different jobs in one career (Workopolis, 2015).

Explore the list of job titles below for ideas about what you could do with your major.  Remember your choice of major is not all there is to you, and organizations hire people, not majors. 

Some of the occupational titles reflect jobs of SFU Alumni, and others are occupations commonly associated with each major.  Jobs that typically require further education are also listed.

Make a list of options you are most curious about, then start exploring the possibilities.

Related to Major

Options commonly associated with the major

  • Addictions Worker
  • Autism Interventionist
  • Behaviour Interventionist
  • Clinical Research Associate
  • Developmental Worker
  • Electroneurophysiology Technician
  • Medical Science Liaison
  • Support Worker
  • Researcher

Other Possibilities 

Job titles beyond the typical options

  • Mental Health Worker
  • Neuroscience Writer/Editor
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
  • Policy Developer
  • Project Coordinator
  • Rehabilitation Worker
  • Researcher
  • Speech Pathology Assistant

Further Education

Possibilities with additional education or training

  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Cognitive Therapist
  • Neuroscientist
  • Nurse
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physician
  • Physiotherapist
  • Professor
  • Scientist
  • Speech Language Specialist
  • Teacher

Fields of Work

There are numerous fields where you could find yourself following your undergraduate degree. For example:

  • Biotechnology/Chemical Industries
  • Business and Private Sector
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Education
  • Government (municipal, provincial, national)
  • Health Care (medical, dental, nursing, veterinary)
  • Hospital
  • Mental Health Clinic
  • Non-Profit & Non-Governmental Organization
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • Professional, Scientific & Technical Services
  • Public and Private Recreation Organizations
  • Public Health
  • Social Services Agencies
  • Technical Writing
  • Veterans Administrations

What fields interest you? If you are uncertain, take the initiative and start exploring different fields. If your preferred fields turn out to not be what you expected, pause. Technology, climate change, automation, globalization and other factors may impact these fields and offer new or different opportunities.

The North American Industry Classification System gives you an overview of all industries and their subsectors.

WorkBC lets you browse careers, the education expectation, salary ranges, descriptions, and specific information about each job.

Core Skills (Major-Specific)

In the course of your undergraduate degree you’ll develop a wide array of skills. While many of these skills encompass essential skills and 21st-Century skills, you’ll also develop job specific skills.  These are the specialized knowledge and skills you’ll gain through your courses and are unique to your discipline.

Content knowledge and technical skills vary widely between occupations and are generally only used in one line of work. The type of skills that you’ll need depend on the scope of the work.

You want to understand what skills you developed and the one’s you want to use, so when someone asks you about your discipline content knowledge and skills you can speak clearly and confidently about them.

+ MAJOR Specific Skills

  • Knowledge of biochemical and physiological mechanisms of living organisms including cell structure and function, flow of genetic information, enzyme function and metabolism of microorganisms, plants, and animals.
  • Conduct experiments using fundamental concepts of Organic Chemistry such as the structure, bonding and the physical and chemical properties of simple organic compounds.
  • Apply basic procedures to assess the status and performance of an individual according to the principles of anthropometry, functional anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology and motor learning.
  • Using critical thinking, problem-solving, logical reasoning and decision-making to tackle mathematical issues involving integrals, partial derivatives, differential equations and linear systems.
  • Understanding procedures in psychological research (strengths and weaknesses to different approaches, formulating testable questions, the control of extraneous influences, measurement of effects and the drawing of valid conclusions) and the logic underlying them.

Foundational Skills

You’ll need these skills to perform different tasks and at varying levels of complexity in education and work environments depending on the what further education you pursue and on the nature of the work. The Government of Canada and other organizations such as the World Economic Forum report that these skills are increasing in importance and are highly valued and sought after by employers.

Through each of the different events and experiences in your life (education, work, travel, hobbies and extra-curricular activities) you have developed a diverse range of these skills, probably more than you realize.

Useful Sites

Through extensive research, the Government of Canada along with other agencies have identified and validated key literacy, essential and employability skills. These skills are used in nearly every career and throughout daily life and are instrumental in helping you enter, stay in, and progress in the world of work.

Get involved

There are plenty of opportunities and different ways to get involved in activities, programs and services outside of the classroom to learn and grow.  By engaging in student leadership programs, volunteering, paid work, and student clubs and groups, you’ll develop new skills, make connections, and gain experience.

Engage with us

Explore a diverse range of inclusive events, services, and community outreach opportunities for students, staff, alumni and friends of SFU.

Get involved - Opportunities

Explore on-campus opportunities like workshops and events, as well as volunteer and paid positions.

Co-operative Education

Want to gain experience and earn money while studying? Consider applying to the co-op program



Apply for on-campus volunteer and paid positions, participate in career and leadership development programs and workshops, and access your Co-Curricular Record.

Simon Fraser Student Society 

Not-for-profit network by students for students. Find student unions, clubs and other resources and services.


Access job postings, volunteer opportunities, and register for workshops and events. 


Related Professional Associations

Professional associations are a valuable resource for occupational research, work search and building connections. They may offer career information, job boards, networking, mentorship, volunteer opportunities and additional resources.


Take your career exploration one step further by doing your own research. Here are some organizations and resources to get started.

Book an appointment with us or visit our home page.