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Visual Analytics

Graduate Certificate

The graduate certificate in visual analytics (VA) is an interdisciplinary graduate program consisting of technology and theory courses along with courses on applications of this new field from the Schools of Interactive Arts and Technology and Computing Science, from the Faculty of Business, Faculty of Education, and the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology.

The graduate certificate combines the four key aspects of visual analytics: cognition, technology, society, and integration. Integration is realized in a practical sense through completion of a substantial research project using visual analytics methods, typically the student’s thesis work or a separate significant research project. This falls under the jurisdiction of the student’s department or school, and is thus outside of the scope of requirements for the VA graduate certificate. Support for integration is provided by the VA graduate certificate program however, through facilitating participation of the SIAT Graduate Program Committee members on supervisory committees and through the Visual Analytics seminar series.

The program is offered at the Burnaby and Surrey campuses.

For further information, visit

Admission Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the University admission requirements as stated in the Graduate General Regulations 1.3 in the SFU Calendar. There is no direct entry to the VA graduate certificate. VA graduate certificate students must be enrolled and in good standing in a graduate degree program at SFU, and must graduate in order to receive the graduate certificate. Qualified students should submit their registration information to the SIAT Graduate Program Committee as early as possible.

Program Requirements

This program consists of course work for a minimum of 12 units.

Students complete

IAT 856 - Visual Analytics Graduate Seminar (3)

and three additional courses that in total cover the following areas. Course selection must be approved by the SIAT Graduate Program Committee.

Cognitive Processes

Courses fulfilling this requirement must cover the cognitive processes that underlie analytic practice and human problem-solving. Course work may include

EDUC 892 - Cognitive Tools and Multimedia Learning (4)

Visual Analytics Technology

Courses fulfilling this requirement examine the creation, selection, and customization of information systems in the student's discipline or area of interest. This includes data processing and modeling as well as interactive visualization. Course work may include

BUS 709 - Managing Information (3)
CMPT 767 - Visualization (3)
GEOG 657 - Geovisualization Interfaces (4)
IAT 814 - Visualization and Visual Analytics (3)

Social Systems

Courses fulfilling this requirement examine the impact of advanced data technology on individuals, organizations, and society in order to determine how it can best be designed and introduced to support social and collaborative processes. Course work may include

BUS 621 - Information Technology and Organizational Transformation (4)
CMNS 815 - Social Construction of Communication Technologies (5)
CRIM 812 - Criminal Networks (3)
IAT 803 - Science, Technology & Culture (3)
REM 625 - Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis for Management of Natural Resources (5)

Subject to SIAT Graduate Program Committee approval, students may fulfill these requirements through other appropriate graduate courses at Simon Fraser University.

Course work must be selected from at least two academic units, with a maximum of two courses from the student’s home department.

Program Length

Students are expected to complete the program requirements within the normal completion time of their graduate degree.

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations, as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.