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Department of Philosophy | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Simon Fraser University Calendar | Spring 2025


Doctor of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy offers graduate research leading to a doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree. The program is designed to prepare students to apply for teaching and research positions at post-secondary institutions, providing both the necessary general knowledge of the field and a specialization in areas of metaphysics, epistemology, value theory, and logic.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the university admission requirements as stated in Graduate General Regulation 1.3 in the SFU Calendar.

In addition, applicants entering with no MA are expected to have a 3.67 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) in third year and subsequent philosophy courses.

Honours degrees, where available, are preferred if the applicant does not have an MA.

The department pays close attention to both letters of reference and writing samples.

If previous work does not satisfy the above conditions, additional undergraduate courses may be required to enroll as a qualifying student before admission.

Program Requirements

This program consists of course work, comprehensive exams, a thesis prospectus, and a thesis for a minimum of 73 units.

Students must complete

and 50 graduate units in PHIL*

and a comprehensive exam

and a thesis prospectus

and a thesis

PHIL 998 - PhD Thesis (18)

Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

* Up to two courses may be 300- or 400-level undergraduate courses with approval of the graduate studies committee and when completed with a grade of A- or higher.

Program Length

Students are expected to complete the program requirements in 12 terms (four years).

Other Information

Course Work

The candidate must complete at least two courses in each of the following philosophy areas: value theory; metaphysics and epistemology; history of philosophy.

Up to four graduate courses completed here or at another institution prior to enrolling in the PhD program may, with the approval of the graduate studies committee, count toward course and distribution requirements.

Comprehensive Exams

Competency exams are required in three of the following four fields: metaphysics and epistemology, value theory, logic/formal studies, and history of philosophy. Each examination is based on a reading list whose mastery shall not take more than one term. Students are also required to demonstrate competence in such foreign languages as the departmental graduate committee requires for the proposed research; and demonstrate competence in formal logic up to standard metatheory for first order logic, or higher when relevant to the proposed research. Details on the philosophy department website.

Thesis Prospectus

The final step before advancement to candidacy is the thesis prospectus, consisting of a critical literature survey, an extended abstract, and an outline of the proposed thesis. After the supervisory committee approves the prospectus, the candidate presents and defends the proposed plan of study at an open departmental colloquium.


PhD students write and defend a thesis embodying original philosophical research.

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations, as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.