AGE-WELL Conference 2018 STAR Institute Presentations

October 16, 2018

AGE-WELL's 2018 Conference took place on October 16-18, 2018 in Vancouver, British Columbia. This event was held as a pre-conference event to the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting. SFU STAR provided coordination and management support throughout the conference and presented two posters. 

1. Science and Technology for Aging Research (STAR) Institute 

Collaboration and partnerships amongst various stakeholders is critical in developing technological innovations that will be responsive to older adults needs within society. In response to this, the STAR Institute has developed partnerships and projects with the mission to support optimal healthy living, develop talent and stimulate technology innovation. The STAR Institute is proud to recognize their partnerships with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – Institute of Aging, the work with Mitacs Canada, the Canadian Consortium of Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) and AGE-WELL, and is excited for the future collaboration with Singapore University.

STAR Institute Poster (PDF)

2. Addressing the Challenge of Aging: The Silver Economy 

Collaboration and partnerships amongst various stakeholders is critical in developing technological innovations that will be responsive to older adults needs within society. In response to this, the STAR Institute has developed partnerships and projects with the mission to support optimal healthy living, develop talent and stimulate technology innovation. The STAR Institute is proud to recognize their partnerships with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – Institute of Aging, the work with Mitacs Canada, the Canadian Consortium of Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) and AGE-WELL, and is excited for the future collaboration with Singapore University.

Addressing the Challenge of Aging Poster (PDF)