Robert Harper: CMNS 200 Seminar on Nonverbal Communication, Sept, 29, 1977 (mp3)
Fred Brown: Seminar, Feb. 14, 1977 (mp3)
Bill Melody: CMNS 100, Nov. 14, 1977 (mp3)
Liora Salter: Innis Conference, March, 1978 (mp3)
Radio Programs:
Rowly Lorimer & Howard Broomfield: The Psycho-Social Study of Bob Dylan on CFRO-FM, May 8 & 15, 1976
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Marshall McLuhan, Q. Fiore, and J. Agel: The Medium is the Message, n.d. (mp3)
World Soundscape Project: Soundscapes of Canada (1975), CBC-FM Idea programs (or request guest password for online versions from Barry Truax)