
SIAT researchers recognized for contributions to virtual medicine, technology, and chronic pain management

April 25, 2024

School of Interactive Arts & Technology’s Dr. Diane Gromala and Dr. Chris Shaw recently received recognition from the American Medical Extended Reality Association (AMXRA) for their pivotal work shaping how technology can transform how we understand and manage chronic pain.

As recognition of their pioneering work, Gromala and Shaw were recently inducted into the AMXRA as VIPs at Cedars-Sinai Hospital, a top-ranked American hospital.

The AMXRA’s mission is to advance the science and practice of medical extended reality (XR) through advanced care delivery, scientific investigation, innovation, education, advocacy, and community.

Gromala and Shaw exemplify this mission through their innovative research in pain management and their consistent contributions to the ever-evolving landscape of virtual medicine.

The VIP induction also recognizes their dedication to education and collaboration through their sharing of cultural, design, and technological expertise to the AMXRA's 280+ international clinical members.

At this year’s Cedar-Sinai’s Virtual Medicine (vMED) Conference which took place from March 28-29th, Gromala and Shaw shared first-hand experiences with cultural differences among their diverse study participants in pain and women’s health communities in China, Kenya, and Canada. The vMED Conference is a highly anticipated event in the field of virtual medicine, gathering experts and innovators from around the globe. It provides a unique platform for professionals to share their research, insights, and virtual and digital health technology advancements.

Gromala's presentation "Designing for Real Access: Strategic Lessons from XR Systems Deployed in Kenya, Canada, and China" at this year's Cedar-Sinai's Virtual Medicine Conference.

In addition to being inducted into the medical VR association (AMXRA) as a pioneer, Gromala was also selected among the first 101 inductees into the Augmented World Expo’s (AWE) inaugural XR Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame was created as part of AWE’s 15th anniversary celebrations and recognizes and honours the innovators whose ground-breaking contributions have propelled the XR industry forward.

In teaching and research, Gromala, who is a distinguished SFU professor, explores the ways in which technological interventions can help people who live with chronic conditions to better manage their condition, augment and improve their ability to function, and help improve their quality of life. Gromala is also the founder and director of the SFU Pain Studies Lab.

Shaw, a professor in SIAT, teaches and researches in the areas of bioinformatics, visual analytics, and two-handed interfaces for 3D applications. At SIAT, he also teaches visualization, video game design and human-computer interaction.
