Chapter Contents


The UNIVARIATE Procedure


The UNIVARIATE procedure provides data summarization tools, high-resolution graphics displays, and information on the distribution of numeric variables. For example, PROC UNIVARIATE

The Default Univariate Analysis shows a default univariate analysis for student exam scores. The statements that produce the output follow:
options pagesize=36;
proc univariate data=score;
By default, the tests for location examine the hypothesis that the mean is equal to zero. Optionally, you can request a test for the hypothesis that the mean is equal to a specified value [IMAGE].

A Univariate Analysis with Tests for Normality and Plots of the Data Distribution and An Output Data Set That Contains Univariate Statistics are the result of a more extensive univariate analysis. The analysis examines the data distribution of student exam scores and creates an output data set that saves percentiles that were not computed by default. The statements that produce the analysis also

For an explanation of the program that produces both these reports, see Examining the Data Distribution and Saving Percentiles .

The Default Univariate Analysis
[HTML Output]  [Listing Output]

A Univariate Analysis with Tests for Normality and Plots of the Data Distribution
[HTML Output]  [Listing Output]

An Output Data Set That Contains Univariate Statistics
[HTML Output]  [Listing Output]

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