Examining the Distribution of Final Exam Scores        1

                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure
                        Variable:  Final


N                          12    Sum Weights                 12
Mean               82.4166667    Sum Observations           989
Std Deviation      8.59659905    Variance            73.9015152
Skewness           0.22597472    Kurtosis            -1.0846549
Uncorrected SS          82323    Corrected SS        812.916667
Coeff Variation    10.4306561    Std Error Mean      2.48162439

                   Basic Statistical Measures
         Location                    Variability

     Mean     82.41667     Std Deviation            8.59660
     Median   81.50000     Variance                73.90152
     Mode     80.00000     Range                   26.00000
                           Interquartile Range     14.50000

           Basic Confidence Limits Assuming Normality
           Parameter          Estimate    Lower 90% CL

           Mean               82.41667      79.03314
           Std Deviation       8.59660       6.85984
           Variance           73.90152      47.05738

                   Tests for Location: Mu0=80
        Test           -Statistic-    -----p Value------

        Student's t    t  0.973825    Pr > |t|    0.3511
        Sign           M         1    Pr >= |M|   0.7539
        Signed Rank    S         8    Pr >= |S|   0.4434

                      Tests for Normality
  Test                  --Statistic---    ------p Value------

  Shapiro-Wilk          W     0.952903    Pr < W       0.6797
  Kolmogorov-Smirnov    D     0.113328    Pr > D      >0.1500
  Cramer-von Mises      W-Sq  0.028104    Pr > W-Sq   >0.2500
  Anderson-Darling      A-Sq  0.212693    Pr > A-Sq   >0.2500
        Examining the Distribution of Final Exam Scores        3

                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure
                        Variable:  Final

                         Normal Probability Plot
        97+                                         *++
          |                                       ++
          |                                    *++
          |                                 *+++
          |                                ++
          |                            * *+
          |                           +++
          |                         +*
          |                      *+*
          |                    +++
          |                  ++*
          |                ++
          |             +*+ *
        71+         * ++
               -2        -1         0        +1        +2