
Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching

Dr. Hart’s primary teaching interests are forensic psychology, clinical psychology, and research methods. He has taught courses at Simon Fraser University, the University of Bergen, and the University of British Columbia.

Forensic Psychology. Dr. Hart has taught undergraduate courses in: Introduction to Law & Psychology; Forensic Psychology; Clinical-Forensic Psychology; Contemporary Issues in Psychology & Law; Psychology of Violent Crime; and Directed Studies (Law and Psychology). He has also taught graduate courses in: Clinical-Forensic Assessment; Terrorism Risk Assessment; and Special Topics (Assessment of Violence Risk, Assessment of Psychopathic Personality Disorder)

Clinical Psychology. Dr. Hart has taught undergraduate courses in: Psychological Assessment Procedures and Psychopathology. He has also taught graduate courses in: Psychological Assessment; Practicum in Psychological Assessment; Psychopathology; and Special Topics in Assessment (Clinical Assessment of Personality and Personality Disorders).

Research Design. Dr. Hart has taught graduate courses in: Research Methods; Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods and Statistical Modeling; Introduction to Research Methods for Security Studies; and Research Design in Clinical Psychology.

If you are a student in one of Dr. Hart’s courses at SFU, your teaching materials will be available though the course Canvas site.

Undergraduate and Graduate Supervision

Dr. Hart has supervised the research of many graduate and undergraduate students at Simon Fraser University and other universities, and also has acted as external examiner for a number of graduate students from around the world. He is always looking for good students!

For information about applying for admission to the graduate program in Law and Forensic Psychology at Simon Fraser University, please click here or visit the website of the Department of Psychology.

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