PSA Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2009 ======================================== Attendance: Ian Anderson Marcus Puetz Steven Suh Senny Foo Eric Thewalt Mehrad Alavino Gabe Scholz Aditi Ramesh Conrad Carolyn Kierans Lidia Ryo Savanna Shaw Karol Krizka Jane Vincent Chen Official Meeting Start at 16:29 ------ Pizza was served. Conferences -- The following people requested funding for conferences: Jane, Senny Foo and Gwen Springford - Women in Physics Conference at UCLA Alex Looseley - Golden Key Regional Conference Karol: Due to the separation from the Grad Society and the court battle with CFS, the SFSS has some financial trouble. Money has been cut from different places, including a suspension of conference/travel funding. Not sure what the status of this is, but it is probably in effect. It is recommended that the PSA vote on reimbursing the people above, but leave it up to the SFSS to reimburse the people, when and if it can, warning the people mentioned above that they might not. Vote on reimbursing the people above, given Karol's recommendation: PASSED Core DSU Funding -- Steven: We have about $900 in core funding. What do we want to do with it. Pizza every meeting? Gabe: I'll continue looking at getting new computers. Eric: Let's find a cheaper place to get the pizza. Most places deliver here. Discussion on this lead that there is a consensus. New Lock -- Merhaad: Let's change the current key lock on the door, because lots of people (that are no longer part of the PSA, because they graduated several years ago) get in and some keys do not work very well. Steven: Let's just change the current key code. Most people agree on this. Discussion: Should there be a double digit, like there is currently? Yes How public should it be? The key code will be sent to the phys-ugrad mailing list, because it contains all the people that should have access to the PSA room. Vote on the key code will be changed and will be sent to the phys-ugrad mailing list: PASSED New Playing Cards -- The cards that we got from some casino on Career Day has a card missing. Should we buy a new one? Carolyn: No need, I have a deck that I do not need. I'll just keep it here. Pizza Reimbursement -- Vote on reimbursing Steven Suh $57.75 for pizza: PASSED PSA Website Updates -- Gabe is the new webmaster. He gives the following update: There is a new layout and look, if you want anything just send Gabe an email. Also Alex suggests a forum, but it would not work if only a few people are interested. It will have some discussion sub-forums and a sub-forum for every undergrad course being offered. Who will use it? (everyone raises their hands). The link to the forum will be posted on the PSA website and Steven will advertise it. Re-Election -- Steven reminds us that the PSA constitution mandates that we relect our president every semester. Does the PSA want to spend time on a re-election next meeting? Nobody cares, but Steven points out that spring will be his last term, so he wants to train a replacement. It is agreed that Steven makes a good point. Vote on PSA election for next meeting: PASSED Adjourned at 15:00