Relocation Expenses*

SFU Policies and Procedures


May 1, 1980

Date of Last Review/Revision:

May 1, 2020


GP 09



  1. At the time of appointment the University will assist new staff with the cost of relocation of domicile or travel to the Greater Vancouver area (unless the appointee's domicile is already within 50 kilometers of Simon Fraser University) in accordance with the following conditions.
  2. Scale of AssistanceThe scale of assistance shown on Appendix A (as adjusted from time to time) will normally apply and may be increased only upon submission of a request by the Dean or Director, usually at the time the appointment is recommended. Such a request must have the approval of the appropriate Vice-President. Similarly, the provisions of this policy may be applied to appointees not normally covered by this policy, but a recommendation detailing the specific requirements should be submitted at the time of the appointment, and such a request must have the approval of the appropriate Vice-President.

  3.A  Full-time continuing employees in the following categories:
         Laboratory Instructors
         Professional Librarians
         Administrative and Professional Staff

  1. Appointees Moving From Another Location in Canada

    Each appointee who is eligible will receive an allowance based on the distance moved in accordance with the schedule shown on Appendix A. A cheque will be issued approximately one month prior to the start of the appointment and forwarded to the appointee. (This allowance is classed as taxable income but tax is not withheld when the allowance is paid. It is the individual's responsibility to retain the receipts collected and to make the permitted deductions against income in his/her tax return.)

  2. Appointees moving from outside Canada

    Each appointee who is eligible will be reimbursed for expenses incurred in connection with the move up to the maximum stated below:

    1. within continental North America: the maximum amount for which expenses will be reimbursed will be the amount shown in Appendix A for the appropriate distance.
    2. outside continental North America: the maximum amount for which expenses will be reimbursed will be decided on an individual basis at the time of appointment.

Expenses such as airfare, moving company expenses or truck rental, temporary accommodation expenses for up to one week, etc. will be reimbursed but costs incurred in the sale or acquisition of real estate, including the appointee's principal residence will not be reimbursed.


Reimbursement of expenses will occur after expenses have been incurred. A statement of the expenses claimed and receipts relating to those expenses should be forwarded to the Dean's office.


  3.B   Employees in the following categories:

    Limited Term Faculty )  
    Limited Term Lecturers )  
    Visiting Faculty )  
    NSERC University Research Fellows ) all with appointments of more than one semester
    Short-Term Laboratory Instructors )  
    Short-Term Professional Librarians )  

    Faculty associates relocating to Vancouver from outside the province. Lecturers with appointments of more than one semester and less than two years.

    Travelling expenses may be reimbursed up to the equivalent of the cost of double the return economy airfare from the address to which the appointment letter was sent, or the appointee's domicile to Vancouver, whichever is the less. The appointment letter will state the maximum amount of expenses, if any, for which the University is prepared to reimburse the appointee. Receipts for expenses should be submitted to the Dean's Office.

  3.C   Employees in the following categories:

    Faculty Associates relocating at the request of the University within B.C. at a distance of more than 150 kilometers away from their domicile.

    Expenses may be reimbursed up to the equivalent of half the base amount shown in Appendix A. The appointment letter will state the maximum amount of expenses, if any, for which the University is prepared to reimburse the appointee.

    Receipts for expenses should be submitted to the Dean's Office.

  3.D  Employees in the following categories:

    Limited Term Faculty )  
    Limited Term Lecturers )  
    Visiting Faculty )  
    Lecturers ) all with appointments of one semester or less
    Short-Term Professional Librarians )  
    Short-Term Laboratory Instructors )  

    Travelling expenses may be reimbursed up to the equivalent of the cost of one return economy airfare from the address to which the appointment letter was sent, or from the appointee's domicile to Vancouver, whichever is less. The appointment letter will state the maximum amount of expenses, if any, for which the University is prepared to reimburse the appointee.

    Receipts for expenses should be submitted to the Dean's Office, except for Short-Term Professional Librarians, who should submit their receipts to the Office of the Vice-President, Academic.

  1. Part-time Appointees:

    The moving expenses for part-time appointments will be decided on an individual basis.

  2. Two Appointments:

    If a person who is appointed as a limited term or visiting faculty member is subsequently appointed to a tenure track faculty position which replaces or runs consecutively with the original appointment, he/she will normally be permitted to claim a moving allowance or reimbursement for relocation expenses (whichever is applicable) for both appointments up to the maximum associated with the tenure-track faculty appointment in accordance with the formula contained in A 21.02.

  3. In the case of simultaneous appointment of two persons constituting one household, the total which will be permitted as an allowance or reimbursement for expenses will be one and one half times the individual rate.
  4. In the event that an employee resigns his/her appointment within one year of the start of the appointment, the employee will be required to reimburse the University a pro-rated amount of the moving allowance or the reimbursement paid. The pro-ration will be calculated on the basis of the time worked compared with the twelve months, e.g.
    Time Worked Repayment Required
    4 months = 67%
    6 months = 50%
    8 months = 33%

    GP 9
    Appendix A
    Effective May 1, 2024

    For distances moved in excess of 50 kilometers, the amount of the allowance or the amount up to which the reimbursement for expenses may be made shall be:

    Base Amount of $6,809 plus $3.38 per km.
    e.g. a move of 2,500 km =
      base amount   $6,809
      2,500 X $3.38   $8,450
      TOTAL $15,259

    1. Distances on which calculations will be made are land distances by the most direct route, for relocation between Greater Vancouver and the present domicile of the faculty member in continental North America.

    2. Effective 1 May annually, the rate will be adjusted by the annual percentage change in the Private Transportation Component of the Consumer Price Index (Canada) recorded in the prior calendar year (January to December) or the previous twelve months.

    * Relocation expenses for tenure track faculty are detailed in A 21.02

    Previous Policies
    Subject Effective Date Expiry Date
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 1999 April 30, 2000
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2000 April 30, 2001
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2001 April 30, 2002
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2002 April 30, 2003
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2003 April 30, 2004
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2004 April 30, 2005
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2005 April 30, 2006
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2006 April 30, 2007
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2007 April 30, 2008
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2008 April 30, 2009
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2009 April 30, 2010
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2010 April 30, 2011
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2011 April 30, 2012
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2012 April 30, 2013
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2013 April 30, 2014
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2014 April 30, 2015
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2015 April 30, 2016
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2016 April 30, 2017
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2017 April 30, 2018
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2018 April 30, 2019
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2019 April 30, 2020
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2020 April 30, 2021
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2021 April 30, 2022
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2022 April 30, 2023
    Appendix A of the Relocation Expenses May 1, 2023 April 30, 2024