Study Leave


February 1990

Revision Date

January 1, 2006


AD 9-11

Revision No.



1. Subject: Study Leave

(Applies to administrative and professional staff only.)

2. General Policy Statement

Study leaves are awarded on the basis of demonstrated benefit to the University and the employee and are subject to approval by the President.

3. Definitions

    3.01 Continuing Employee - an employee with an appointment with no end date

    3.02 Full-time Employee - a continuing or a temporary employee appointed to work seventy-two (72) hours bi-weekly on a regular basis.

    3.03 Part-time Employee - a continuing or a temporary employee appointed to work less than seventy-two (72) hours bi-weekly on a regular basis.

    3.04 Study Leave - a leave of up to one year, with full or partial salary, granted on the basis of demonstrated benefit to the University and the employee.

    3.05 Study Leave Committee - is composed of the Vice-Presidents, the Executive Director, Administrative Services, and the Executive Director, Human Resources.

4. Entitlement

    4.01 Study leaves will be awarded on the basis of an eligible employee's proposal, which must demonstrate value to be gained both for the University and for the employee, and which must be supported by the Supervisor and the Dean or Director.

    There are three options available to employees applying for study leaves:

    4.02 After the completion of any study leave option recipients of leaves will return to the University for one year or will refund, on a prorated basis, the financial assistance received from the University.


    1. salary at 100% for leaves of four months or less; or
    2. salary at 90% for leaves of four to eight months; or
    3. salary at 80% for leaves of eight months to a maximum of twelve months.

5. Eligibility

Continuing employees are eligible to take paid study leave after the completion of six years of service with the University. The University will fund an annual amount, not to exceed $25,000 to assist departments to accommodate requests for study leave.

6. Procedure

    6.01 The deadline for submission of applications is January 2nd and approved study leaves will begin on or after the subsequent April 1st.

    6.02 Applications for study leaves should be forwarded to the Executive Director, Human Resources with supporting documentation attached from the Supervisor and Dean or Director. This documentation must indicate whether departmental financial assistance is required, and if so, the rationale for the assistance and the amount requested. The Study Leave Committee will consider applications and make a recommendation to the President which will include the amount of financial support to be provided to the Department (if any). The President will convey his decision to the Study Leave Committee. The Executive Director, Human Resources will inform the respective Dean or Director, who will in turn inform the employee.

    6.03 Employees returning from leaves will be required to submit reports to the Study Leave Committee and to their supervisors.

    6.04 Under normal circumstances, other remunerative employment may not be accepted for the duration of the study leave. Exceptional cases must be approved by the Study Leave Committee.

    6.05 Vacation time accrued during any study leave must be taken in conjunction with the leave and should be planned in advance when the original proposal for a specific length of time is put forward.

    6.06 During study leave, benefits will be maintained and will be based on the employee's nominal salary.