Community Consultation: Policy on Policies (B10.00) Review

Dear University Community,

Policy B10.00 is the policy of the Board of Governors (Board) that governs the development of policies within the Board’s jurisdiction. Since B10.00 was originally adopted on March 19, 2020, we have received feedback that the policy development process that it creates: (1) is not time efficient; (2) is unclear on a few key points; and (3) lacks transparency and detracts from collegial governance.

Amendments to policy B10.00 that seek to create a clearer, more transparent and cooperative policy process are now being proposed, namely through:

  1. renaming policy B10.00 the “Policy on Policies within Board of Governors’ Jurisdiction and Associated Procedures” so that its scope is more clear on its face (policy B10.00 does not apply to policies within Senate’s sole jurisdiction);
  2. creating a process by which community members may suggest the need for a policy change (new policy or amendments to existing), which the appropriate Executive team member and the Board would evaluate;
  3. engaging a wider range of perspectives during the drafting process by creating the option to convene working groups to collaborate on the development of policy;
  4. involving the Board at an earlier stage, and possibly at multiple points, of the process (1st round: to introduce the proposed new policy or amendments and receive approval of consultation plans; and 2nd round: approval);
  5. requiring consultation and Board approval for all amendments to policy (including housekeeping changes; however, note that flexibility regarding the scope of consultation for housekeeping changes is included); and
  6. more clearly facilitating the bicameral model of governance established by the University Act.

Draft of B10.00 Policy included here (in PDF)

Proposed changes to the Procedures that support this Policy have also been developed and are being shared with the community for reference and context for the Policy. 

Draft of B10.00 Procedures included here (in PDF)

A revised policy framework would follow the process summarized in the attachment below (with new/changed features highlighted in red).

Flowchart included here (in PDF)

We invite you to review the amendments to the Policy. Please send your feedback and questions to  by July 19, 2024.

Input provided is collected under the authority of the University ActFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165), and SFU Policy on University Policies and Procedures (B 10.00). This information is collected for the purpose of engaging in community consultation, which may result in recommended changes to a policy. If you have any queries about the collection of this information, please contact