Grip bar

Description: Use grip strength to try to lift a 1 kg mass hung from a rod attached perpendicularly to a handle.

A 1 meter length of 1/2" diameter aluminum rod is attached perpendicularly to a handle made of a length of 1 5/16" diameter aluminum tube. A hook may be slid along the aluminum rod. Have a student hold the grip bar and try to raise the 1 kg mass with the hook at different distances from the handle.

An eye in the handle and a second hook allow the bar to be supported by spring scales to show the forces required. 100N scales are the largest we have. The mass can not be slid out very far before the force registered by the upper scale exceeds 100N.
Weight of bar: approximately 5N
Weight of bar and lower scale: approximately 9N
Weight of bar, lower scale and 1 kg mass: approximately 19N


Concepts demonstrated:

Equipment: grip bar, 1 kg mass; spring scales and ring stand if desired

Setup Time: Short, longer if ring stands desired

Difficulty/Commitment: Straightforward

Visibility: Visible

Related demonstrations:

References: PIRA 1J40.10
Video Encyclopedia 04-10
Meiners 14-3.1; DHP Mo-5; DaR M-614

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