
Description: A 1 meter long ladder is leaned against a wall.


Concepts demonstrated:

Equipment: ladder, wall, horizontal surface, weights

Setup Time: Short

Difficulty/Commitment: Straightforward

Visibility: Visible

Related demonstrations:

References: PIRA 1J40.60
the ladder problem is discussed in many mechanics texts, see for example J.L. Synge and B.A. Griffith "Principles of Mechanics" 3rd ed 1959 (SFU QA 807 S9 1959) p82-85 Ex 1 light ladder, no friction at the wall; Ex 2 light ladder, equal coefficient of friction at wall and floor
K.S. Mendelson "Statics of a ladder leaning against a rough wall" AJP63(2), 148 (February 1995)
A.G. Gonzalez and J. Gratton "Reaction forces on a ladder leaning on a rough wall" AJP64(8), 1001 (August 1996)

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