Coin and Feather


The experiment was performed on the Moon. A quote from the cover of Where No Man Has Gone Before: A History of Apollo Lunar Exploration Missions by William David Compton

Apollo 15 commander David R. Scott confirms Galileo's hypothesis that in the absense of air resistance all objects fall with the same velocity. A geologic hammer in Scott's right hand and a falcon feather in his left hand reached the surface of the moon at the same time (see chapter 13). The demonstration was performed before the television camera on the lunar roving vehicle, and no photographs were made.
We have the clip on videodisc, see below.


Concepts demonstrated: Acceleration of falling bodies


Setup Time: Medium

Difficulty/Commitment: Medium


Related demonstrations:

References: PIRA 1C20.10
Video Encyclopedia 01-14
Mechanical Universe Episode 1 Chapter 15, Frames 13994 to 14476: Astronaut David Scott on the moon dropping a feather and a hammer, narration by Scott.
Mechanical Universe Episode 8 Chapter 18, Frames 17457 to 17769: very quick presentation of laboratory version, not worth showing separately
part of Chapter 27, Frames 25196 to 25487: same footage as Episode 1, shortened, comments by the narrator.
Sutton M-79; DaR M-088; Joseph ea p368
some quotes may be found here.

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