
PHIL 110 Introduction to Logic and Reasoning

Fall Semester 2012 | Evening | Vancouver


INSTRUCTOR: Kirstie Laird


Logic is concerned with the nature of reasoning, and investigates the laws that govern rational thought. Ordinary language is full of imprecision and ambiguity, and this course will introduce two precise symbolic languages – Sentential and Predicate – that enable good patterns of reasoning to be distinguished from bad. Good patterns of reasoning are those that are truth-preserving, which means that they provide a guarantee that where true statements are given in support of a claim, that claim could not be false. The skills you will acquire in identifying such patterns will have a valuable application wherever you have a concern with establishing the truth about some subject matter, in other academic disciplines or in practical life. The symbolic notation introduced requires no mathematical background or ability.


  • The Logic Book (5th edition), Bergmann, Moor and Nelson


  • Weekly exercises: 10%
  • First mid-term: 20%
  • Second mid-term: 30%
  • Final exam: 40%

Open to all students. May be applied to the Q requirement and the Certificate in Liberal Arts.