(2015) Phaenias
of Eresus: Text, Translation, and Discussion, Oliver Hellmann and David
Mirhady (eds), Rutgers University Studies in Classical
Humanities (RUSCH), Volume 19.
(2012) Praxiphanes
of Mytilene and Chamaeleon of Heraclea. Text,
Translation, and Discussion. Rutgers
University Studies in Classical Humanities (RUSCH), Volume 18.
Co-authored with Elisabetta Matelli
and Andrea Martano. New Brunswick, NJ.
(2011) Aristotle Volume XVI
Loeb Classical Library 317. Problems, Volume II
Books 20-38. Rhetoric to Alexander. Edited
And Translated By Robert Mayhew and David C. Mirhady. Cambridge, MA.
(2011) A New Working
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(2007) Influences on
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(2000) The Oratory of Classical Greece. Translated with Notes. Volume 4.1: Isocrates 1.
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(1994) Peripatetic
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W. W. Fortenbaugh and D. C. Mirhady, eds. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
(1992) Theophrastus
of Eresus. Sources for His Life,
Thought, Writings and Influence.
Two Volumes. W. Fortenbaugh, P. Huby, R. Sharples, D. Gutas, et al., eds. Leiden:
78 pages in these volumes contain material prepared for my
Book Chapters
and Journal Articles
(2015) "Problemata
29 and Athenian Law," in The
Aristotelian Problemata:
Philosophical & Scientific Investigations, edited by Robert Mayhew.
Leiden: Brill. Pp. 337-356.
(2013) with Domingo Aviles, "Law Courts", in A
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Pp. 205-218.
(2012) "Something
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of Mytilene and Chamaeleon of Heraclea. Text, Translation, and Discussion,
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(2011) with Carl Schwarz, “Dikastic Participation,” CQ 6: 753-757.
(2011) “Aristotle and Anaximenes on Arrangement,” Rhetorica 29:
(2009) "Is the Wasps Anger Democratic?" in The Play of
Texts and Fragments. Essays in Honour
of Martin Cropp. Edited by J. R. C. Cousland and J. R. Hume. Leiden. Pp. 371-87.
(2008) “The Disappearance and Reappearance of Exetasis.” Mouseion 8: 395-408.
(2008) "Draconian Procedure"
in Epigraphy and the Greek Historian, edited by Craig Cooper (Toronto:
University of Toronto Press), pp. 15-30.
(2007) "Aristotle's Enthymeme, Thymos,
and Plato" in Influences on Peripatetic Rhetoric, above, pp. 53-64.
"Introduction," in Influences on Peripatetic Rhetoric, above, pp.
(2007) "The Dikasts' Oath and the
Question of Fact," in Horkos: The Oath in
Greek Society, edited by A. Sommerstein and J. Fletcher (Bristol: Bristol Classical Press), pp. 48-59, 228-233.
(2006) "Aristotle and the Law Courts," Polis 23.2:
(2005) "Response to Adele Scafuro"
in Symposion 2001, edited by R. W. Wallace and M.
Gagarin, Vienna, , pp. 71-7.
"Hieronymus on Isocrates' Style" in Lyco of
Troas and Hieronymus of Rhodes: Text, Translation, and Discussion, W.W.
Fortenbaugh and S.A. White, eds. (Rutgers University
Studies in Classical Humanities, vol. 12) pp. 443-456.
(2004) "Contracts in Athens", in Law,
Rhetoric and Comedy in Classical Athens.
Essays in Honour of Douglas M. MacDowell,
edited by C.
Carey, D.L. Cairns, and R.A. Knox (Swansea: Classical Press of Wales), pp.
"Forensic Evidence in Euripides' Hippolytus," Mouseion 4:
"Classical Responses on Trauma, and Poiesis,"
West Coast Line 37: 67-73.
"Athens' Democratic Witnesses," Phoenix 56: 255-74.
"Dicaearchus of Messana: A New Edition of the
Texts with an English Translation," in Dicaearchus of Messana,
edited by E. Schütrumpf (Rutgers University Studies
in Classical Humanities, vol. 10.) pp. 1-135.
(2000) “Politics, Law and the Military" in Classical Greek
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Edited by J. Kirby (Detroit: Gale Research), pp. 161-205.
"Demosthenes as Advocate: The Private Speeches," in Demosthenes:
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"The Athenian Rationale for Torture," in Law and Social Status in
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University Press), pp. 53-74.
(1997) "The Ritual Background of Athenian Ostracism," The
Ancient History Bulletin 11: 13-19.
"Torture and Rhetoric in Athens," The Journal of Hellenic Studies
116: 119-131, reprinted in (2007) Oxford Readings in the Attic Orators, edited
by E. Carawan (Oxford), pp. 247-68.
"A Note on Aristotle, Rhetoric 1.3 1358b5-6," Philosophy and Rhetoric
28: 405-9.
"Plutarch's Use of Theophrastus' Pros tous kairous," in Teoria e Prassi Politica nelle Opere di Plutarco, edited by I. Gallo (Naples: M. D'Auria)
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(1994) "Aristotle,
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in Peripatetic Rhetoric After Aristotle. (see above)
pp. 54-65.
(1993-4) "Torture in Athenian Litigation," Proceedings of the
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(1992) "The Great Fuss over Philebus
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(1991) "Non-Technical pisteis in Aristotle
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"Aristotle on the Rhetoric of Law," Greek, Roman, and Byzantine
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in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Greece and Rome, Ed. by M. Gagarin. (2009) Vol.
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Ancient Athens" in Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, Ed.
Stanley Katz. (2009) Vol. 4, pp. 241-2.
and Law: Ancient Greece" in Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal Historyy, Ed. Stanley Katz. (2009) Vol. 5, pp. 110-113.
Ancient Greece" in Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, Ed.
Stanley Katz. (2009) Vol. 6, pp. 110-111.
Ancient Greek Law" in Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History,
Ed. Stanley Katz. (2009)
Vol. 5, pp. 456-7.
"Inheritance, Greek," in The Oxford Encyclopedia
of Greece and Rome. Ed. by M. Gagarin. (2009)
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William (1860-1929)" Dictionary of British Classicists, Robert B. Todd,
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William Lambert (1834-1923)" Dictionary of British Classicists, Vol. 2,
pp. 712-713.
Ernest (1874-1960)", Dictionary of British
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"Peitho," Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik, Band 6, pp. 741-745.
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Legal Systems of the World: A Political, Social, and Cultural Encyclopedia. H. Kritzer, ed. Volume 1, pp. 44-47
Gabriel Herman, Morality and Behaviour in Democratic Athens: A Social History, in
Ancient History Bulletin 21 (2009)
Sara Forsdyke, Exile, Ostracism, and Democracy: The Politics of
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Joseph A.
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