Network file: vcga.neg Attribute file: vcga.atr Parameters: 2 6 1 1 1 1 Blocks: 1 2 3 4 Block structure: 1 3 4 2 -2 Log Likelihood = 752.992 Goodness of Fit = 776.118 Model Chisquare = 372.679 df = 6 Predicted 0 | 1 % Correct Residuals 0 | 1 Observed ---------+--------- 0 0 359 | 94 79.25 Absolute 246.9875 ---------+--------- 1 1 98 | 261 72.70 Squared 124.0224 ---------+--------- Overall 76.35 Parameter Block b S.E. Wald exp(b) 2 1.3265 .1960 45.7888 3.7678 6 .1319 .0125 111.7546 1.1410 1 1 -2.2206 .2737 65.8364 .1085 1 2 -3.1949 .3139 103.6289 .0410 1 3 -2.9501 .2834 108.3339 .0523 1 4 -4.3489 .3314 172.2432 .0129 Covariance matrix Parm 2 6 1 1 1 1 Blk 1 2 3 4 2 1.00000 -.09637 -.31890 -.26345 -.05283 -.36292 6 -.09637 1.00000 -.53802 -.80906 -.77490 -.64335 1 1 -.31890 -.53802 1.00000 .56305 .46463 .50514 1 2 -.26345 -.80906 .56305 1.00000 .67089 .66694 1 3 -.05283 -.77490 .46463 .67089 1.00000 .55322 1 4 -.36292 -.64335 .50514 .66694 .55322 1.00000 Comparative file: vcww.neg Parameters: 2 6 16 1 1 1 1 Blocks: 1 2 3 4 Block structure: 1 3 4 2 -2 Log Likelihood = 684.549 Goodness of Fit = 796.228 Model Chisquare = 441.122 df = 7 Predicted 0 | 1 % Correct Residuals 0 | 1 Observed ---------+--------- 0 0 391 | 62 86.31 Absolute 220.0587 ---------+--------- 1 1 106 | 253 70.47 Squared 110.2376 ---------+--------- Overall 79.31 Parameter Block b S.E. Wald exp(b) 2 1.2144 .2056 34.8769 3.3684 6 .1056 .0133 62.7295 1.1114 16 2.1955 .3020 52.8469 8.9848 1 1 -2.5192 .3036 68.8520 .0805 1 2 -3.0657 .3276 87.5713 .0466 1 3 -2.8777 .2971 93.8152 .0563 1 4 -3.7990 .3309 131.8378 .0224 Covariance matrix Parm 2 6 16 1 1 1 1 Blk 1 2 3 4 2 1.00000 -.10586 -.00124 -.29747 -.24767 -.05697 -.35628 6 -.10586 1.00000 -.15227 -.47125 -.79400 -.75568 -.66478 16 -.00124 -.15227 1.00000 -.15600 .00486 -.01893 .10871 1 1 -.29747 -.47125 -.15600 1.00000 .51989 .43689 .46316 1 2 -.24767 -.79400 .00486 .51989 1.00000 .66298 .67097 1 3 -.05697 -.75568 -.01893 .43689 .66298 1.00000 .56145 1 4 -.35628 -.66478 .10871 .46316 .67097 .56145 1.00000