(c) William D. Richards, Vancouver, BC, Canada, February 13, 1996
This is a demonstration version of NEGOPY. It runs only with the DEMO.DAT, DEMO.PAR, and DEMO.NAM data files on this disk. You can change DEMO.PAR as much as you like, but you should not change DEMO.DAT, for if you do, the program will not run. Also, you should not change the names of these data files, as the program will not be able to find them if you do.
Unzip "demo.zip" (the file that you download). Make a note of where you put the files when you unzip it. Put them all in the same directory.
1. Make sure all data files (DEMO.DAT, DEMO.PAR, & DEMO.NAM) and the default parameter definition file, {n1}500.###, are in the same directory as the program itself.
2. In DOS, change to the directory where you put the files and type the name of the program (NEGDEM). The computer will ask you for the name of the "standard output file". Give it the name of the file where you want the output to go. I suggest you type "output" (without the quotation marks). If this file exists, the program will tell you so and give you the choice of overwriting or supplying a new file name. The output will be in the file whose name you typed in response to the "standard output file" prompt. To examine the output, start your favorite word processor and open the output file.
3. In any version of Windows or in OS/2, you can open a DOS window and proceed as in the above paragraph. Or, you can run the program directly from Windows. In Windows 3.1, open the File Manager, find the directory where you put the files. Double-click on the icon for NEGDEM.EXE. A DOS window will open. Proceed as if you were in DOS. When the program finishes, the DOS window will close. The output will be in the file whose name you typed in response to the "standard output file" prompt. To examine the output, start your favorite word processor and open the output file.
In Windows 95 or Windows NT, click on "My Computer" and proceed as in Windows 3.1.
You can change any of the parameters in the parameter setting file, DEMO.PAR, to see how they work. The program will respond properly, as long as you do not alter the contents of the data file, DEMO.DAT.
If you ask for the auxiliary file to be created (by setting the parameter "auxfile" to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5), you will be prompted for the name of this file in the same manner as for the standard output file. I suggest you use the name "auxfile" (without the quotation marks).
The program is operationally identical with NEGOPY version 3.22, and all parameters are correctly described in the 1989 manual.